Chapter 14

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           *Ayano's POV*

     It's been a while since I've last heard from Y/N, as for Amai I have no clue what might have happened to her but deep in my heart I just hope she died and that I've got rid of the obstacle between me and senpai, even though I was planning to stalk- I mean watch over him during recess I've heard someone calling me from behind "Hey Ayano, can I talk to you for a bit?" With a roll of my eyes I turn around to see Y/N's friend, looking both sad and worried.

     "What is it that you want from me, B/F/N?" Trying to act all sweet-kind like it's literally a nightmare, except for senpai of course "Well.. Y/N does spends a lot of time with you all of a sudden and I've been wondering if you know.. do you guys have feeling for each other?" He's one weirdo I'll give him that, the only one who can have my feelings is my senpai! Not a fucking idiot who just came from war! "No.. we do not.. now leave me alone please"

     Speaking of that incompetent.. indeed where is he? Since the last call I gave him when he was.. baking or doing god's knows what, he didn't came to school anymore or giving some sort of sign that he's alive.. maybe I did scared his soul out of his body but still, if he attempts to hide from me due to him not wanting to do his 'chores' things will get more messy for him "Well I do not have any time for him now anyway, my primary objective is to find senpai and see what he's up to.. I swear if another damn girl put her eyes on him.."

          *Your POV*

     I open my eye only to see pure white as my eye burn out of existence, I blink a couple of times as my vision went back to normal "Okay that was a nice experience.. but what the fuck happened?" I look around my surroundings, studying them and soon enough I found myself in hell, I was in a hospital room all alone "I don't remember most of the stuff either.. that doesn't matter I need to get the fuck out of here as fast as possible" as I tried to stood up I felt a sharp pain in my stomach which made me to sit back "Just great.. I'll be tortured for the rest of my week in this place" what I hate the most about hospitals is that you have nothing to do, however I heard a knob turning as I turn to look at the door, which did open.

     A person stepped inside the room which was a nurse of course, she looked at me and she was only surprised "I thought you'd die for sure.. you're Y/N L/N, right?" "Of course.. can you tell me the fuck happened?" She takes a sit near my bed and checks a screen which.. I have no idea what it showed "Well, you and your friend, Amai Odayaki, have been poisoned or food poisoned.. it's not 100% clear what really happened but the poison was lethal, Amai Odayaki it's still recovering, but we expected you to go.. but hey, thank heaven you're not dead" I think for a bit as the nurse was sorting some documents which she held in her hands "Poisoned you say.. how though?" "As I said, it's not 100% sure" after thinking like I was creating a nuclear bomb, I do remember putting poison in her composition.. but I'm not that dumb to poison myself.. or am I?

     "Anyhow you're free to go home after some weeks, if you can move that is.. you can ask your friend what happened since he was with you.. if I think about it.. I think he might poisoned you two, but yet again he was very drunk.. I don't know what to say, really, but just relax for now" she stood up and walked away, which left me with my own thoughts, I reach my phone which was still in my pocket and texted B/F/N :Dude, for the love of God, the fuck happened?: I waited, and waited... waited some more but no text back, most likely sleeping or just ignoring me, I see Ayano's contact and with a small sigh I gave her a text 'Hello me lady, don't kill me for that.. but do you know what happened to me and well, Amai?'

     After a short while of just looking all around the room, to see with what tools I'd get tortured later I got a text from Ayano :I would've have killed you long time ago, Amai have died which I'm glad for your work, however as for you? I do not know, where are you anyway? You haven't done all your chores: with a sigh I throw the phone at the end of the bed and cursed the bitch under my breath, "Maybe this is a good time to think of how to kill the demon.. just stab her when she doesn't expects it, but she may have a counter for that.. for everything I can think of perhaps, but what would happen if she finds out that Amai didn't died?"

     I shouldn't worry about it for now.. wait why thinking of blood ways to get rid of her? I can get rid of her in other ways.. turning her to the police won't do any good since she may have evidence of me poisoning Amai, but yet again she didn't even.. nevermind that, maybe moving out from the area.. not an option as well since she always finds whatever she wants without a sweat, surely there's a way.. maybe looking through her house "Her house is surely a hint, but I need to recover from this hell first"

          *B/F/N's POV*

     First went Midori.. now Amai.. does God hate me that much? The hell have I done except for being well behaved? She's been poisoned and I have no idea how or where she is, I don't even remember what happened that night but I just heard people talking about something relating to poison.. to make matter worse Y/N is missing or just pulling a stupid prank on me, whatever he's doing hopefully he ain't in trouble "Why do I have a feeling that bitch Ayano Aishi has something to do with all of this, before Y/N didn't even looked towards her face, and now he's spending a lot of time with her, he did some things he would never do.. like snooping things from people.. or just going into weird places.. something fishy is going on here" all I need to do is to talk to Y/N.. he must know and just is too scared to tell anyone, who the fuck knows what is the ash doing with him..

     I do not care what I must do in order for Y/N to spit out the damn truth, what I said earlier does make sense in my mind so Y/N is the key to solve the mystery, however he's nowhere to be found.. Ayano must've done something awful "You know what? Fuck it, tomorrow I will confront that bitch, Y/N is my fucking pal and I can't let him down, if he's not alive anymore.. revenge is always an option" someone's gonna have a big surprise tomorrow.

     -To be continued-

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