The Secret Weapon.

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Gigi looked at Alex who's sitting in front of her at the big table, everyone can tell that he doesn't look happy with the way he was tapping his fingers and staring at the screen. Every single employee in the room sat rigidly and tried not to make any noise or even move.

He's been irritable ever since Emily left almost a week ago to stay with her Lolo at her aunt's house after he finally got out of the hospital. She was supposed to stay there for just a day or two to help him settle back home but since Emily's always been specially close to her Lolo the two days kept getting extended. Alex would not dare admit it but he miss seeing her everyday.

Everyone in the meeting room flinched and stopped moving when Alex stopped tapping his fingers and gave a sigh. 

"Do it again." He told Agnes who was leading the presentation.

"Sir?" She squeaked.

"You're missing a lot of things. Did you consider the rates it's going to off on? What about A/B Testing? The bounce rate and CMS doesn't look promising---" Alex started listing off the flaws in the plan and what he thinks needed more work on. 

"Do it again." Alex repeated after listing at least 15 reasons the presentation needs work on and with that he stood up and left the room. 

Once the door closed, everyone heaved a sigh of relief. They can all tell that their boss hasn't been in a good mood lately and they've all been working overtime since a few days ago just to meet his demands but no matter how hard they work it seems it'll all go to waste unless his mood finally shifts. 

When Gigi took the job, she thought all she had to do was assist Alex with office stuff. Get him to sign documents, organize his schedule, get him coffee, photocopy and print papers, just normal office assistant things. What she didn't know was that she was going to be the office "buffer" as well.

Ever since it spread at the office that Gigi has an unusual relationship with Alex in which he never gets angry or yell at her. EVER. Even when she made mistakes in her first week. He would always just calmly explain it again to her and would sometimes even help her personally which he never ever did for anyone, even the ones he hired himself and slept with.

Most of her co-workers hated her for getting special treatment, some even assumed they were dating and some even wondered if she was the secret wife but all those rumors came to an end when she told them all that the reason she got hired was just plain old nepotism and it was through his actual wife and not because she was his wife.

It was funny that they didn't get mad about the nepotism, they said their used to that what with all the past women Alex had brought in to work who barely did any actual work. She was more than useful with all of them combined anyway.

So when that was finally clarified everyone started warming up to her and got her to do the difficult job of getting things passed on to the boss when he's in a bad mood just so they don't get yelled at. It's true he never yells at Gigi but that doesn't necessarily mean that he's nicer to her. She just knows how to handle him so that he'll work in her favor and that's because of none other than Emily.

Everyone in the room looked at Gigi who was silently gathering Alex's things. She felt their eyes on her and as she looked up they begged her to do something, work her magic because ever since she got there she seemed to be able to control his mood swings. 

"Isn't he tired of all the overtimes? Coz we sure as hell are."

"Make him leave on time for the love of G!"

"Nami-miss ko nang pamilya ko."

"Use. Your. Secret. Weapon." 

He Married the Stripper.Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon