Texts and Calls | Draco Malfoy

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A/N: This chapter will be based of the song Why'd You Only Call Me When You're High by Artic Monkeys. Let's pretend that they have phones, yeah?

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It's been four months since I broke up with the Slytherin Prince.

It doesn't makes sense. Draco and I were good, but Pansy fucking pugface Parkinson wouldn't let us live in peace.

The whole Hogwarts knew that me and Draco were the power couple. Not mentioning that I was also labelled as the Slytherin's Princess. I also came from the wealthiest family, second to the Malfoys.

But thanks to Pugface, our relationship went downhill. It hurts, still, but now I can say that I'm good, until one night he decided to text me.

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3:18 AM

*Ding!* I fluttered my eyes, trying to wake up to see who texted me. I grabbed my phone on my night stand.

13 Missed Calls
9 Messages

"Who the fuck is this?" I mumbled. I unlocked my phone, my eyes widened when I saw the name and number of the sender.

"Draco." I hesitated to open the messages, I don't want to look at them. I'm afraid that my feelings didn't fade away.

*Ding!* Another message popped out. I sighed and opened the messages.


Please answer my calls, Y/N.
I need to talk to you.

Talk about what exactly, Draco?

Draco Malfoy is typing...

Suddenly, my heart starts to beat fast. Why the fuck am I getting nervous? I shouldn't be.. *Ding!*

You know how much
I love you, please let me

I loved you too Draco.
But I never cheated.

Please just answer my
call, I'm begging you.

Wow, Draco Malfoy is
begging? Well that's a first.

Draco Malfoy is calling...

Are you drunk?

No, baby please answer
my fucking calls!

You're drunk, Draco.
Give it a rest. Pansy
wouldn't like it if she saw
you texting me.

I don't care about that
stupid Pugface! Can't you
see? All I want is you.

It's 3 in the morning Draco
and you're high, please just rest.
I don't want to talk about this

Can't you just give me
one last chance?

You don't know what
you're saying.

I do, Y/N. Please baby?

Why'd you only call me when
you're high? After all these months?
Why now? Why now when
I'm finally getting over you?

Tears are starting to roll down my cheeks. Months have passed but my love for him never faded.

Draco Malfoy is typing...

I just want to end this, my suffering. Deep down in my heart I just want to be held by him, to be kissed and hugged by him, to be loved by him.

But he cheated.

He cheated. My mind won't forget what he did, but my heart want to give him one last chance.

Believe me or not, I've been
asking the same question
to myself. I'm not high, Y/N.
I just want you to listen..

I don't know, Draco. It's hard,
I was loyal to you.
But look what you did.


If you don't stop,
I'll block your number.

Please don't. Let's
fix this, love.


Y/N, please just
listen to me. I can explain everything.

Draco Malfoy is calling...

For fucks sake Y/N!
Don't you dare ignore

I know deep down you
still love me. Please let me
fix this, let me fix us.

There's no reason to fix us,
you already ruined it. You fucked
up. It's not my fault I can't
trust you anymore, Draco.
Please, just leave me alone..

I fucking love you, Y/N.
I won't stop until you're
mine again.

Bye Draco.

Draco Malfoy is typing...

Is this the right thing to do? It is right? It's for my own good, even if it hurts..


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A/N: Just some fill-in chapter! I won't be posting for tomorrow and Sunday. That's why I published two chapters today. I'll be writing some chapters to publish them on Monday. Anyways, hope you enjoyed and have a great weekend!

January 29, 2021: I edited it so it'll look like they're texting.

xo, Dylan.

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