Muggleborn | Blaise Zabini

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A/N: You're a Ravenclaw.

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Dear diary,

How can you even miss someone you've never met? I don't know. Deep down I know I need him. But he's a pureblood and I'm a fucking muggle born. My parents only had one job. Screw them


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"Luna! Give me back my diary! Please!" I shouted as I ran off, chasing Luna towards the Great Hall.

"Come and catch me!" Luna spoke dreamily, despite of running a hundred miles. "Why you mad?"

"Because it's MY DIARY for fucks sake." Now I'm not running anymore. I'm too tired for this type of shit. I hope Luna would just give it back to me.

"Fair point." She stopped while catching her breath, "Here."

"Thank you!" I said with a tone of sarcasm. Luna giggled, "I just did that to make you get out of bed, silly."

"Congrats, you did a great job, Luna." I rolled my eyes at her and we both sat down at the Ravenclaw's table. Breakfast is now served, I immediately fill up my plate with waffles and bacons; my favourite.

"Bloody hell Luna, you gave me an appetite." I said, while leaning over the table to grab some pumpkin juice.

Luna chuckled at my state, "So who's the boy?"

I spit out the pumpkin juice that I was currently drinking, luckily no one was in front of me or else they would have been soaked.

"Wh-what?", "Oh don't act so innocent, Y/N." She winked at me, I looked at her, blinking fast while I swallow the lump in my throat.

Should I tell her? I mean, she's Luna and she's my best friend, I could trust her right? But would she be mad at me? I guess not.

"I-I" I sighed, I looked down, not really wanting to look at Luna's dreamy eyes. I took a deep breath before Luna would say something harsh about me. "Blaise Zabini."

A pause.

My eyes were shut, I felt my heart beat getting faster. Why is she so quiet?

I took another deep breath and forced my eyes open. My face turned sour when I saw Luna, smiling like an idiot.

"What?" I spat.

"You two would make a cute couple." I was shocked, I don't even know if I was shocked by the words she said or by Luna herself.

"You're not m-mad at me?", "Don't be silly, Y/N. Why would I be mad at you?" I immediately embraced her, "Thank you so much, Luna."

She chuckled, returning the hug while running her hands up and down on my back, "You're thanking me for what exactly?"

I pulled away from the hug and smiled, "For being my best friend. But please don't tell anyone." She giggled, "I won't."

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After breakfast, we got up and walked for class. Our class was Care of Magical Creatures with Hagrid.

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