Double Trouble | Fred and George Weasley

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Having a friendship with the twins means having a lot of detention.

The Weasley Twins are known for their pranks, which is why I became friends with them.

The twins and I love to prank Professor Snape. Well don't get me wrong, Snape should be thankful for us for making his life less miserable.

But ofcourse, Snape despise Gryffindors. That's how we ended up in detention.

- - -

"Detention! Weasleys and Y/L/N!" Snape yelled, making us groan.

I leaned towards the twins, "You know what, I don't even know why I became friends with you two." I said, rolling my eyes.

"Come on darling, we know you wouldn't last a day without us." Fred teased, wiggling his eyebrows at me, "You're right there Freddie." said George, mimicking the movements of his twin.

"Honestly, the two of you will be the death of me."

"See you at detention then." they both winked at me and they were about to leave when I stopped them, "Where are you two going?"

"We'll be testing some of our products on some first years." I giggled, nodding my head in agreement, "Have fun you two."

- - -

After I finished my last class, ready to jump on my bed, I ran towards the Gryffindor tower and muttered the password to Fat Lady.

Once I entered the Common Room my eyes caught two red heads sitting on the couch.

Oh right, I have detention. Yipee. I groaned, the two red heads snapped their heads when they heard me.

"Finally! You're late-" George started, "to detention." Fred finished.

"Can you stop finishing each other sentences? It's creepy."

They chuckled at my face and wrapped their arms around my shoulder, "Detention is not that bad when you're with us." Fred smirked and the three of you walked out the Common Room.

- - -

After a long walk, we finally reached Snape's classroom.

"I want this room clean, don't dare to use magic, I'll be back within an hour." and with that, Snape left the three of us in the room. He made sure that he locked the doors and windows, no chance of getting out I guess.

I started by swiping of the dust on the shelves, when I noticed the twins were looking at me.

"Really? The two of you will just sit there and stare at me while I do all the work?"

"Now, now, no need to be feisty." George mumbled, while walking towards the table.

"We can make good use of that pretty mouth of yours." Fred said, walking towards me, I can feel his breath under the nape of my neck.

"Fred, I-", "Hush now, sweetheart." Fred started, "Come here." George finished.

I turned around and Fred lead me to the table where George was currently sitting on top of it.

I can feel my core swelling up because of the pressure that they got me in. George was sitting in front of me, while Fred was at my back, towering me.

"Strip." they both said.

"What?" I pretend that I didn't hear them, "You heard us, Y/N. Don't make daddy mad." Fred spat, I can still feel his breath behind me, meaning he's not too far.

Without second thoughts, I immediately obliged, I removed all of my clothes including my undergarments. I'm completely naked in front of Fred and George Weasley.

George smirked, and with a swift motion of his wand, his clothes were gone too. I turned around and saw Fred did the same.

"Come here." George said, pulling me towards him, Fred helped me and now I'm on top of George, completely naked while straddling his lap.

I can feel his hard length on my thigh, fuck.

George grabbed my neck and smashed his lips with mine. His soft and swollen lips perfectly in sync with mine. I can feel his other hand cupping and massaging my breast.

Fred was now jealous of his twin, he grabbed my ass and his large hand made contact with my bum, making me whimper in George's mouth.

George is now leaving some wet and soft kissing on my jaw and neck, after that Fred lifted me off the table and grabbed my shoulders to turn me around, our lips were now in contact.

Fred pulled away, I was just catching my breath when he demanded, "Jump."

I wasted no time, my legs are now wrapped in Fred's torso, as he sat on one of the chairs.

His lips found mine again, not giving me any warning, he shove his length inside of my heat, making me moan on his mouth.

"Fuck.. you're so tight sweetheart." Fred started, "I'll take her on the back." George said.

Another throbbing length entered me, but now on my ass. I screamed at the amount of pleasure they're giving me.

"Fuck Fred! Fuck George! F-faster!" even though I'm not looking, I can feel their smirk and with that, they fucked me mercilessly. Their length coming in and out of me with an incredible speed.

"Fuck you feel so good, Y/N." George groaned, "I'm so close."

"Me too." Fred and I said.

"Come for us, you little slut." George started, "Come for us like a good little slut you are." Fred finished.

"F-fuck! I'm coming!" I moaned and moaned until I came, I feel their length twitching inside me, not too long when I felt their cum inside me. My head fell on Fred's shoulder. I felt his heart beat fastened, same with me and George.

"Good slut." they both said.

- - -

When we finished dressing up, I noticed that the room was now clean.

"Did the two of you used some magic?" I asked, raising my one of my eyebrow and narrowed my eyes on the twins.

"You're welcome" they both said, smirking.

The door slammed open, revealing a unimpressed Snape. "The three of you can go back to your dorms."

I didn't waste any time, I got up and walked towards the exit, leaving the twins follow me from behind.

"Hey Y/N!" I stopped in my tracks and turned around to see that the twins were not far behind so I waited for them to catch up.

"Detention was fun, we should do pranks more often." Fred said.

"Yeah, I could get used to you screaming our names." George winked, while making Fred agree with him.

"You two boys surely are double trouble."

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