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"Oh cramity it's freezing! Why is it s-so cold now? The Isles were s-so warm just the other week!" Complained Luz, not really wearing an extra layer as she had no clue she would need one.

Luz and Amity's walk to meet up with Willow and Gus was something special to both of them in more aspects than one: they were together on a simple walk after all that had been disclosed between the two involving their feelings, it was a nice and chilly day outside, as well as it being a beautiful day at that.

"It's feels a-as if it's winter here but without all the s-s-snow!"

"Well, Luz," Amity chimed in, slowing down a little for the freezing human before her. "It's of course gonna be a little different here. Even then, you don't necessarily have a way to tell what the weather will be like, huh?" She asked sympathetically, feeling a little bad that she didn't mention it to Luz before hand, not taking into consideration that she might not know.

"N-No, I don't. I wish though! Hehe.." Chuckled Luz awkwardly, scratching the side of her arm while she tried to hug herself warm. Feeling as if she needed to, Amity stopped herself in front of Luz, a blush spread from ear to ear, as she handed the human her top jacket seeming as if she had two on.

"H-Here... You don't need to be getting sick, o-okay?" Amity tried her best to hide her face in her jacket but she didn't want her zipper to nip at her skin and pinch it, so it was basically a lost effort at that point to hide it. Worth a shot, though. "Take this one, I-I have an extra in my bag. This one should keep you warm enough, okay?"

Luz had never been given this kind of gesture so it struck her rather stiff, really. She stared into Amity's eyes before looking back at the jacket as she grabbed it and swiftly put it in. It may have been a little tighter than she would have liked, but it more or so rather fit snug like a bug. It definitely kept her more warm than she had been before she put it on, so she was very thankful nevertheless.

"T-Thank you, Amity! Just remember to ask for it back when we depart, okay? I tend to be forgetful." Luz said with a small smile, her cheeks flourishing in color. Turning her face away, Amity returned the thanks before hiding her own blush making sure Luz never got to see it.

... She saw it.

"Anyways," Luz broke the silence which caused Amity to look back toward the young human, her blush dying down. "How far do you think we are from this place we're meeting Willow and Gus? I-It can't be too far now, hm?"

"N-Not too far from here, no. Maybe one or so more roads down? I can't wait to get there though. It's so warm inside! And the smell of all the Isle pastries inside make it even better!" Amity squealed as she recalled onto a time where she went there before when she was younger with her brother and her sister; a time where things were better and more simpler.

She missed it dearly.

"I used to be a regular here when Edric, Emira and I would come here all of the time after school on the weekends. I wonder if they'll remember me and my order?" Amity questioned herself as she thought back on the past even more. Knowing her situation regarding her household as of right now, it definitely hurt to a certain degree to keep thinking and calling back onto the past but she couldn't help it. It was one of the better memories, how could she just forget them?

"Hey Amity, are we-"

"Ah, we're here! I could recognize this smell any day!"

Seeing the building right in front of them filled Amity with warmth and joy as everything she remembered about this place hit her all again at once like a truck. She wore a smile the entire time she took in the building in admiration just taking it all in.

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