Twenty Three

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"Don't you know when to stop?"

"As if, why should I?"

"Why shouldn't you?"

"Because she's a human! She doesn't... belong here."

"O-Oh yeah?"


"Why is that, h-huh? What's so bad about being human!"

"Everything! It isn't my fault you can't be as smart and far thinking as I am."

"You can't even give me a solid answer. What more did I expect from you?"

"L-Look, just hear me out-"

"No! I'm just so close to being done! So many students here have warmed up to Luz being here and you're only bringing our rep down for your own self enjoyment!"

"Self enjoyment..?"

"None of us like to push her around anymore like you do! She's super nice, and pretty, and is so enjoyable to be around! All we wish for is for you to see that already!"

"Okay, okay! I'm sorry, okay? Titan forbid, I'll try and stop-"

"No. You have one more shot, I'm serious, Boscha. You gotta start learning how to be nice one in a while!"

"But Skara-!"

"But nothing! Just stop being a n-nuisance already. I'll see you in class."

"H-Hey! Since when did you get so buddy buddy with that human and her friends?"

"When a certain, who you call, 'half-a-witch' decided to come to me and apologize only to have me realize she did nothing wrong to be sorry for."

"W-What? Willow?" She's lying, Boscha thought. "There's no way that's real."

"Never said you had to believe me, so," Skara snapped back with a glare until she turned around. "Bye, Boscha."

"You're really gonna risk staying here?"

"Just because I've lost my position in the Coven does not mean I have lost my position as a teacher, Edalyn." Lilith said with a sigh. To be honest, she enjoyed her little break and wasn't necessarily wanting to go back. Eda was rubbing off on her and it clearly showed. Someone has to teach these kids, no?

"Meh, not really," Eda said with a smirk. "Let them learn on their own, I did and I'm doing great!"

"Yeah, sure." Lilith said as she snickered. Eda gasped.

"Hey! What's that supposed to mean?"

"Nothing, sister. Now, move along before the period starts. You don't want to get caught, do you?"

"Yeah yeah, blah blah blah, it's not like I'd get sent in anyways." Eda said with confidence. "Bumpy-kins would never rat me out. We go way back!"

"And I wouldn't be afraid to switch it around if you call me Bumpy-kins once more!" Said Principal Bump in a sing song voice as he conveniently walked right by Lilith's homeroom which erupted a giggle from Lilith.

"Hey!" Eda called back. "Anyways, I'm off. I can't stand school. All these... books and papers and... bleh." Eda complained as she walked around her sister's desk. "Too boring and slow for me anyways. At this point, this school should be begging to have me come in and teach kids how it is to be Covenless." Eda said with pride and dignity which kind of pricked at Lilith a little, but not for it to be a bother. She knew her sister took pride in herself, especially since she grew up needing it while being on her own. Who knows where she'd be if she lost that egotistical spark?

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