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"So... what was the difference of the two?" Willow asked, actually really curious as to what was the same or not between the two 'social media apps,' is what Luz called them.

"I wouldn't necessarily call them differences but they're definitely not the same... Just know that owning one or the other will either get you made fun of or not... anyways!" Luz exclaimed closing both the Reddit and Twitter apps on her cell phone, going to her camera roll instead. "I never really showed you guys what the human realm looks like aside from just my room photos. Why don't I show you guys more?" Luz said with angst in her voice, getting a little excited at the plan she was cooking up.

"Please! How many photo's do you have of it?" Gus said with a smile plastered on his face.

"Photo's? Who said I need photo's to show you?" The human answered back with a grin on her face, revealing the key to the portal in her hand. Everyone's smiles somewhat dropped and went wide-eyed at what they were hearing: Luz wanted to take them to the human realm and she was already ready to do so. Even Gus wasn't mentally prepared for that kind of thing, and usually he'd be the first one to say 'yes' to this kind of thing almost immediately.

"Wait, you want to take us to-" Amity started, cutting herself off.

"Yup! Give you the real deal; the real experience! C'mon, what do you guys say?" Luz asked with excitement laced in her tone. Even if it could be dangerous, that thought completely slipped her mind as she begged her friends to go.

"I-I don't know Luz, I mean-" Gus was saying as he scratched the back of his neck, smiling awkwardly. "I get that you fit in well here, but, what if we don't fit in there? What if we get, I don't know," Gus said with a little more panic stricken in his voice. "Attacked?"

"What if we get lost?" Interjected Willow, herself voicing her concerns.

"Kidnapped?" Amity said, hiding away her pointed ears behind her hair.

"Guys, please! You know I'd never let either of you get hurt, attacked, or crazily even kidnapped," Luz exclaimed as Amity looked away with a tiny flush in her face. "Why would I? You guys trust me enough to not let you guys get hurt there, right?"

"Of course we do, we really do! It's just... We don't know what it's like out there, and-"

"I didn't know what it was like here? And I didn't have a warning!" Luz cut in, stopping Amity from speaking. "Sorry for cutting you off, Ami... it's just-" Luz said trying to think of a rebuttal statement until she got a better idea. "Wait, that's it.."

"What's what?" Willow asked, confused.

"What if I don't show you everything on Earth but rather... but rather the outside world? The nature aspect of it? I know some really good secluded hideout spots thats get almost no attention!" Luz explained, getting a bit more excited. "That way, you won't have to deal with anybody!"

Hearing this idea wasn't so bad for the three friends, and even sounded more appealing. It would also be a good chance for Willow to learn morw about the nature around Earth and how different it is while Amity could use it as her time to escape from all the tension and drama going on here in the Isles. And Gus could be.. Gus! He loves anything related to humans. Even the dirt would keep him occupied.

"Well... that does sound just a bit more appealing." Amity said slowly, really thinking it through. "As long as there really are no other humans there then I suppose it could be fun."

"Eek! This is great!" Luz said as she bent forward, pulling Amity into a tight hug, making the young witch blush when let go. She didn't want Luz to let go yet, really, but she knew she couldn't ask for that in front of those two so she kept quiet and content. "Uhm, what would you guys need... just make sure to bring a sweater or a jacket, a hat to hide your ears, or we can have Gus hide them. Other than that, we should be okay to go!"

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