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tw! slight mention of blood

Her head hurt. More than it had ever hurt before. Is this what a migraine felt like? Surely not. Surely, this felt worse than that.

It had to be.

This was the worst pain that Luz Noceda had ever felt, and nothing could top it. Sure, the bearing pain of not being able to see her mother on the spot was painful as is, but for some reason, seeing her mentor and second-mother walk away from her in such a manner after what Luz had said, it broke her. It had genuinely felt as if her heart was just pierced and it was beyond any type of repair and or healing.

She messed up.

"M-M..." Luz mumbled under her breath as she bolted down the hallway toward the stairs, almost tripping herself on a table or two.

"Luz!" Amity called out, as well as her friends who peeked out the doorway as they watched her fumble over her own two feet.

Everyone aside from Luz and Eda had been left in a total fit of shock and really didn't know what to do; they were inevitably uncomfortable at this point because they realized they had still been in the human realm and with that, still had no idea about almost anything here. Now, they sit in silence in Luz's room, as if it were supposed to all be normal.

Bolting down the stairs, she tried skipping steps only to find herself on the floor as she tripped on the last two, leaving an small but open gash on her chin. Did it hurt? No. Adrenaline pumped through her as if it were her normal bloodstream, trying her best not to let Eda out of sight.

Out of sight, out of mind.

"M-Mo... Mom...!" Luz mumbled as she got up from the floor, wiping her eyes and the blood on her chin only to see that her mentor was... no where to be found. She looked around the living room only to find no trace of Eda in there. Luz's breathing started to go faster, started to hitch. This wasn't real, she told herself. She has to be here! Her vision was getting blurry as she started to hyperventilate but that didn't stop her from running toward the front door. Nothing stops Luz Noceda.

"E-Eda...!" Luz whimpered as she reached the front door, fumbling with her hands from shaking too much. She could hardly see, tears now pooling in her eyes as she felt if she blinked, Eda would be gone for good. Finally gaining proper grip, she yanked and pulled the door open as fast as she could, almost tripping, again, on her way out.

She worriedly glanced around her to see if she could even see Eda anywhere but was blinded by the evening sun, the orange rays shining upon her as it woke her up a bit; helped a bit of regaining her composure. She glanced to her left: no Eda; gave a quick glance in front of her: still no Eda; and as a last resort, she shot her view to her right, only to see a tiny red patch of cloth disappear behind her house.

"Eda!" Luz exclaimed under her own breath as she bolted down her front porch and to the side of the house where she hoped she'd see her mentor. Don't leave me, Eda... she thought again. I... I need you...!

Upon reaching the side of the house, she again slipped under her own footing onto her back, hitting a tiny stump causing her to yelp in pain as she quickly sat up to put her hand on the wound, inhaling sharply through her teeth.

"Luz-!" Eda quickly said under her breath as she heard her yelp of pain, turning around as fast as she could only to see her kid on the floor. She wanted to walk, no, to run up to her and scoop her into her arms and to treat the wound but she hesitated as she remembered what Luz had said back in the house. She still had no idea if Luz meant it or not and that part was so hard to tell because not only is Luz like this to say something as such, but she has also never been that negative so the chance she meant it is definitely not zero. Instead, Eda stood her ground as she turned to head back to the door to the Isles but was suddenly stopped at the scream of her name.

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