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"It's funny, really. Her, thinking she got away so swiftly as if it was right under our noses... idiotic child."

"Well to be fair, dear, she is gone. We could just... not worry about it?"

"And have her tarnish the Blight name? Alador, honey, I think the abomination goop from your office is getting to you..."

"Odalia, I'm being serious."


You're joking, right?"


"Surely you must be... either that or you've gone delusional."

"When have I ever had the ounce of courage to lie to you, Odalia?"

"U-Uhm- uh..."

"Exactly. Just leave the girl alone, seriously. You meddling now would only tarnish the name further."

"Me, ripping at our family name? Quit talking out of your ass, Alador! I'd never do such thing and so long as that brat is out of this manor it will only get worse! I might as well just join that search party I made you call Belos for, for crying out loud!"

"No need to."

"W-What? Why not?"

"Because I called it off."


"Oh Edaaaa! Maaaail!" Sung Hooty, horribly, as Eda had found herself at the bottom of the steps. Normally, she'd try and ignore Hooty this early but since she was already there, she might as well grab it while she can still remember it. She did her best to plug her ears as Hooty would not stop shouting nonsense, making the Owl Lady go crazy and irritated.

"Yeah yeah I get it, I get it! Now put a sock in it before I do something to this house that I'll regret."

"Okay, okay!

... jeez!" Hooty complained. Not wanting to talk to the literal living door anymore, Eda had rushed her way toward the mailbox outside and quickly snagged what was inside. More curious than ever, Eda had scanned the front side of the envelope, only to find it blank. That was until she had flipped it over and saw the initials on the envelope's seal: AB.

Alador Blight.

Upon reading the initials, Eda's heart had sunk. She had genuinely forgotten that they threatened a search party against the Owl House for Amity! Cursing herself out for forgetting, Eda had decided to, despite being hesitant, rip open the envelope and read its contents, and to her surprise, she was for the first time fully confused after receiving a threat from authority.

"T-This makes no sense... what kind of balogna is this?" Eda asked herself as she read the letter over and over again.

"I have decided to call off the hunt for my daughter, Amity Blight.

It never felt right and to be frank, was never my own option.

Though I am ending the search now, I would not stay restless against Mrs. Blight.
Sure, this entire call was a good scouting mechanism for her but I really just... don't care."

"Don't... care? What the hell? What does he mean he doesn't care? Care about his own kid?" Eda asked, baffled at the amount of hatred she had for the Blights.

"Yes, it's about my own child."

"... Well that answers that."

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