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It had been two mornings since Amity had talked to her family in her room while she was with Luz grabbing her essentials. She lay awake next to nobody this time, her being the last one awake apparently and with this in mind she had checked the time.

11:23 AM.

Amity wasn't even surprised anymore. Ever since that day she broke down, she felt as if she was lost 90% of the time, and with being lost, she also felt incomplete; her family had just been torn out of her life under her own will, but even then it never sat right with her yet she had to live with it now. She could always go back to her family as well but she knew she would only be caving in to her father's desire. And after everything that has happened, she got stressed just thinking about it so she knew she wouldn't be able to handle it if she really did go back. Feeling disgusting, she got up and stretched out before she went to brush her teeth. She leaned back far enough and without expecting it, her back had cracked as if bubble wrap was being rolled and popped, making her let out a slight moan in delight as her back had been a bit sore lately. She finally then attended to getting clean for the day even if she wasn't feeling it.

"You awake yet, Amity? We're burning daylight here!" Luz yelled upstairs, not knowing Amity had gotten up already.

"Yeah... yeah, uhm, just give me a second please? T-Thank you." Amity brushed her hair after her teeth but her stomach started to feel weird. It felt as if it was twisting and getting tossed around, as if she were spinning and spinning, getting dizzier by the second. She tried to steady herself and she continued down the hallway to the top of the stairs and started to make her way down. Each step she took she felt more uneasy, her body and face getting more and more warm as sweat formed at the top of her forehead. Luz watched her as she slowly made her way down the stairs, clearly struggling.

"Amity? Are you okay-"

"H-Hey, Luz? Do you happen to have a bucket? O-Or a pale?" Amity stopped halfway down the stairs knowing if she made a few more steps she would blow chunks. The color in her skin was flushed out and she looked as if she were about to pass out and with Luz noting this, she ran to find the closest thing to a bucket.

A quick moment later, Luz came back with a tiny bucket, kind of like a sand bucket you'd take to the beach, but it was metal. She ran up the stairs as Amity winced the closer Luz got.

"Here, this is the best thing we got."

"T-Thank you-" Before she could finish her thanks to Luz, her cheeks puffed out as she then let out all her bodily fluids into the bucket. The house had been quiet up until now, the halls now filling up with the sound of Amity hurling. Luz sat Amity down on the steps of the stairs as she sat down next to her, rubbing her back before running to get a bottle of water. Amity hadn't been sick in years believe it or not. Not only did she do her best when it came to her grades, but as well as her health. All in all she wanted to be in ship-shape condition everyday and seeing it all breakdown within the time span of a week is still just shocking to her, but she just has to let it happen.

"It's okay, Amity. Just let it out." Luz continued to say, still rubbing her back while holding the water bottle out to her. One last minute needed for Amity and she finally lifted her head from the top of the pale, moving it aside from them so she didn't have to see it. She quickly took the bottle and downed the water bottle, swishing it around her mouth and spitting it back out in the bucket.

"H-Here, I-I'll take care of it. I always had to b-back at home." Amity tried lifting the bucket with a spell she had been practicing the past week in her off time but as the pale started to lift from the staircase, it also started to wobble as Amity started to breathe in and out at a speedy pace. She almost dropped the bucket, but successfully placed it back down on the staircase while they could only stare at it. She sat back and took a big sigh of relief; she was tired and weak and she knew it. Not only was Amity ashamed of how weak was but also that she was showing it off so naturally with Luz. If it were anyone else, she would never even dare to have herself look like she does now, but with Luz? She didn't really care because she knew Luz wouldn't judge her.

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