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Amity and Luz were in such a fit of shock that they were kinda speechless, to say the least. They had expected nothing as surprising as this to happen today, let alone Edric this late at night.

"Haha, uhm, hey..." He said awkwardly as he was still standing outside of the doorway. "Hey, uh- do you guys think I could possibly...?" He muttered out as he was gesturing inside of the house. Feeling a bit stiff, Luz and co. had moved out of the way as they let Edric inside of the Owl House.

"What're you doing here? I thought... I thought that you left too and-" Luz started saying as she broke the silence since no one else would. "What's going on?"

Getting a bit tense, Edric had let out a deep breath as he dropped his shoulders, regaining his composure. "Well, Luz, the person I have been with lately is Jerbo. He doesn't live too far off this path to here and I actually really needed to uhm," Edric said as he paused, looking over to his baby sister. "I actually needed to inform Amity of something. Maybe all you guys too, actually." Said Edric, that last part a bit more stern which had everyone's attention.

"Well, spill the beans kid." Eda said, getting a little impatient as this could be vital information to their situation. Little did she know was that it was more vital than she could imagine.

"A-Ah, right. Do you think I could get a drink maybe? My throat is just a bit dry." Edric asked politely before he reslly started speaking.

"O-On it!" Amity spoke up, rushing to the kitchen as she grabbed a glass of chilled appleblood, one of Edrics favorite drinks. Seeing her spring into action after being silent for so long had surprised Luz more than anyone. Coming back into the room with the appleblood, Edric whispered a 'Thanks, Mittens' before he chugged the entire glass almost in one go, letting out a stretched 'ahh' after getting it down the hatch.

"Okay... so, I assume you all may know that me and Mittens here have been sending messages back and forth, correct?" Edric questioned, getting a nod in response from everyone. "And not only just me, but... father as well, right?" Hearing the message about her father sent Amity's mind spiraling again, Luz holding her close and tight before it got any worse.

"Well... as I was leaving the manor, I had caught ear of him saying that..." Edric started to stutter, shivering in his own shoes. This wasn't good. "T-That he's gonna start an active hunt for you, Mittens... a-and that he isn't gonna stop until he has his hands on you. M-Mother didn't try to object the search at all. She just complied and... and even got more forceful and worse than Dad."

Edric had not let his eyes lift off the ground, not mentally ready to see the faces of those around him, and keeping his eyes down was the best choice he could have made. Not only was everyone's eyes wide, but Amity's face was nothing short of distorted as tears were threatening to fall like an endless drain.


"Why couldn't she just be obedient for once!"

Edric heard a large bang followed with his father's yelling making him flinch.

His sister had no reaction.

It was his mother's voice.

"Just do your best...

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