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She had felt nothingness, to be blunt: Lilith had started her journey back to the Owl House in a slumped, heavy slow walk for the last 20 minutes since she had been snapped out of the Emperor's Palace. It of course, to fit the lovely occasion, was now gloomy and cloudy, perhaps the darkest it's been. Something that Edalyn had not known yet was that Lilith knew that she had to make a choice between working with her sister, or working properly and as prompted by the Emperor.

She had basically just gotten her sister back, and now she may already have to betray her again?

No.. She knew she couldn't do that. Her and Edalyn were still under the everlasting oath.

"Damnit Lilith... Damnit!" She yelled at herself, clenching her teeth and her fists as she knew well enough she could let out this pent up anger due to her being in the forest instead of in town. No one really ventured out near the Owl House unless you were acquainted with Eda such as Luz and her friends or you were Lilith. Lilith had been filled up with rage but that quickly faded as she passed a few ripped pages of the banners advertising those to join the Emperor's Coven, Lilith being the centerpiece of the poster.

"Why did things have to go so wrong...?" She had crunched the poster in her hands. "And why did it go so fast?" All Lilith could do was sigh and pinch the bridge of her nose as the Owl House came into view. "Another day, another situation I can't come to terms with alone. How many is this now?"

Something Lilith told nobody, and absolutely nobody, is that she had to face so many problems as of the last year that should be simple tasks, but they had been surprisingly enough tasks that she couldn't do which showed her to be weak. She wasn't allowed to show any kind of weakness while being amongst the Emperor's Coven, let alone being the leader of it. She took the crumpled poster in her hands and tossed it to the ground with force, clear agitation radiating from her as if it were its own aura. She used to be more stronger, more confident in herself and her abilities when she was younger. She never knew she would ever begin to feel so week and she almost hated herself for it, but she always kept her composure when it came to things such as so.

With a bit more walking, the dark gloomy air finally starting to pick up and was now pinching at her skin, she finally walked far enough to see the Owl House in sight. She saw Eda sitting on the bench outside of the house, taking in the weather despite it looking as if it were to start raining.

... Speak of the Devil.

Lilith started to feel tiny drops of water on the bridge of her nose as well as her finger tips once she stuck her hand out. She groaned in annoyance as she made her way to her sister's house quicker, noticing Eda not really caring about the weather at all.

"Edalyn!" Lilith called out, slowly approaching her sister. "The rain is starting to pick up! Hurry up inside before you catch a cold!" Eda gave no response which sort of freaked Lilith out but she didn't pay much attention to it as Eda just might be acting like such on purpose. Lilith finally reached the bench and tried to get her sister's attention once more but to no avail, it didn't work.


"Come have a seat, Lily."

"But Eda, th-the rain?"

"Who cares!" Eda chuckled to herself. "Who cares? I sure as hell don't so why should you?"


"Just... hush, Lilith, okay? Just let me have this." Lilith was surprised by what her sister was saying but she didn't dare question it. Edalyn could sometimes be very scary with how she sounded with the tone of her voice or even body language but she didn't radiate any negative or anger. Lilith was her sister, and being her sister, she just knew when something was wrong, and when to be quiet. With this in mind, she reluctantly sat down next to Eda as the rain started to beat down on them faster, the only thing they could now hear being the sound of rain splashing on the ground and making puddles.

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