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The sun peeked through the cafeteria windows as Luz and co. had been sitting down, eating lunch, waiting for their last two periods of the day to come along. Luz was having a conversation with Willow and Gus, her mouth half full most of the conversation, while Amity was next to her writing to her brother Edric as she promised she would keep in touch as he would with her.

"Hey Amity," Luz motioned to Amity, taking her out of her writing trance. "You gonna eat your lunch? You haven't touched it yet." After seeing Amity so sick and week the past few days, she really had hoped she would at least try to eat but she wasn't gonna push her to do something she either couldn't or didn't want to do.

"Oh! Uhm, yeah I will, I-I'm just a bit busy. I'm finally writing back to my brother and I'm about to be done with the letter, and all I gotta do is seal it then have it casted out. Do you... wanna read it?" Amity asked with a tiny blush on her face, slowly but surely handing Luz the letter.

"Yeah, sure! Let's see what you got, Blight." She gently took the letter and put her sandwich down to start reading it, kindly cutting out of the conversation she was having with Willow and Gus with this, she started reading.

'Dear Edric,

It's been a minute, no? I told you and promised you that I would write whenever I had the chance, and I wouldn't break that promise especially after what had happened. I'm guessing you have a bit of questions so I'll try and answer some simple ones you might have in mind:

• Am I being safe? Well.. yeah, actually. I haven't felt more safe until now, especially with Luz's company. She's something else, I'll say that much about her, but in a good way!

• Am I taking care of myself? Of course. I haven't let myself slip up once except for being sick the other day but I was accompanied by Luz that day and we took the day to relax and help me get better. She puts her friends before her and it's something I admire so much about her... I love it.

• Do I think about you guys? A lot, believe it or not. You guys are my family, and that won't change.

If only things could have been different, I guess.

I also started to care a little less on my absences in school and how grades come out. I learned, again, from Luz that my grades and my work ethic shouldn't depict who I am and I just can't find that drive to be the top of the top right now, despite being a Blight. But I do promise to keep myself at my best. No matter what.

Some days I wish to know if things would be better if I came home but I know the chances of that are very small. Even though I want the changes, I know Mom and Dad won't change, and I still don't trust Emira after she ratted us out that we were in the house. Until further notice, I'll be continuing to write to you more and more and hopefully make it a regular thing, and maybe even ask to meet up to see you once in a while, yeah?

Anyways, I hope you get this letter safely and you reply as soon as you can. I'll be waiting! Bye bye, Edric.

I love you.

- Amity.'

Reading this made Luz smile, her eyes getting a little tender as very small tears dared to drip down her cheek. Everyone's eyes were on her now as she handed the letter back to Amity who had a bigger blush than before on her face because she now noticed that Luz read the nice things she wrote about her.

"That was probably the most sweetest thing I have ever read, Amity." Luz said, wiping her eyes and giving off a bigger smile now, her cheeks getting warm. She hugged Amity tightly, Amity returning the hug back. "I'm sure he'll write you soon, okay?"

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