You were in your dorm room trying to find clothes, you stopped at what your doing when the door of your dorm room opened "Hey N/N-chan i've got- AAAHHHH! I'M SO SORRY!!!" you turn around seeing Midoriya, beet red and stuttering. You being the dense person you are walked towards him, shirtless and only wearing your shorts "You ok Deku? Your red, are you sick?" you pur your hands on his forehead but he pulled back, swaying his hands around.
"No! N-no I'm fine, it's just hot. I'm gonna go now" the flustered boy left the room slamming the door closed. You shrugged and went back to finding a shirt, finally you found a shirt and out it on. You grabbed your phone and headed to the common room, you got inside the elevator "Oh hey Deku" the said boy look up at you with a blush on his face.
You stood beside him "Are you sure your ok?" he nodded "You don't have to worry about me F/N" you lookat him with furrowed eyebrows, Midoriya looks at you "W-what? Did i say something wrong?" you shook your head. You stayed quiet, the elevator door opened and you pulled Midoriya with you "W-what are you doing F/N!?" your eyebrows furrowed more and held tighter on Midoriya's wrist.
Your classmates greeted the both of you but you just ignored them "S-stop your hurting me!" you stopped and looked at the poor boy's wrist. You held it gently "Sorry" you look at him "Do you hate me? Are you embarrassed of me?" Midoriya's eyes widen and shook his head many times "N-no. Why would you ask that?" you sighed and looked away "You've been ignoring me" you then heard Midoriya giggle, you glance at his now laughing state "I was hanging out with Uraraka. I was asking her for advice" you tilted your head "Advice for what?" he held your hand in his.
Then he began stuttering and muttering, you cupped his cheeks "Just tell me, please" he took a deep breath and looked at your eyes "Ihavelikedyouforareallylongtimeandiwanttoknowifyouwanttobemyboyfriend?!" you tilted your head "Slowly" Midoriya's began to tear up "I liked you for a long time. And i want to know if you wanted to be my boyfriend?" the green haired boy shut his eyes tightly.
You crouched down to his level and leaned in, Midoriya's eyes was still closed so he didn't know what was happening. Your lips met with his, Midoriya's eyes opened and locked gaze with your e/c orbs, you closed your eyes and hoped for the best. Finally Midoriya kissed you back, you two kissed for a minute until Midoriya pulled away for air, he looks at the ground blushing with a smile and touching his lips.
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You cupped his cheeks and made him look at you "Sorry i acted like that to you" Midoriya shook his head "Its alright" you sighed and hugged him tight "God, your adorable" the freckled boy snuggled to warmth of your chest "Your so warm" you chuckled "Let's head to the park and get some ice cream, shall we?" Midoriya nodded as you two headed to the park.
"And that's how me and your Papa got together! The end!" you patted you son and your daughter's head that was laid in you lap. Kazuki your son sat up and turn to you, he has green hair like Izuku but has e/c like you, his features is mostly from Izuku but he doesn't have his personality "You hurt Papa?" he asked you. The question made your daughter Yua sat straight and look at you "Is that true?" she glared at you with those green eyes she got from Izuku, she has your h/c but got Izuku's eyes, she also has freckles but she definitely got your personality.
"No no no....ok maybe i did, but it was past- urgh" you held your stomach in pain "Aahh! Daddy are you ok?!" Yua folded her arms and looked away "That's what you get for hurting Papa" Kazuki was panicking, and began looking at your stomach while stuttering "Y-you d-didn't...have t-to p-punch him!" you patted Kazuki's head.
Suddenly the front door opens "I'm home!" the children looked over who was at the door witha smile on their faces "Papa!" you sighed as you see your children ran over your husband, you stood up from the couch snd held your stomach 'Gosh that kid hits hard' Izuku seemed to notice you in pain "N/N-chan are you ok?" he walked over to you "I'm fine, just a stomach ache" Kazuki pulled on Izuku's hero costume "S-sissy hit D-daddy in the stomach" you sighed "Yua is that true?" the little girl looked at the ground and nodded "Yes..." Izuku patted her head as well as Kazuki "Apologise to your Dad" Yua walked over to you and hugged you "I'm s-sorry, i won't do it again" you patted her head "It's alright, it was my fault for hurting you Papa"
Izuku looked at you confused "What?" you turn to him with a smile "I told the story when we got together" he giggled and nodded "I'm going to get changed" you nodded as Izuku headed to what you assume is your shared bedroom. You turn to your children "Let's get you two to bed. It's getting late" the two nodded and followed you to their bedroom, you tucked them on their bed "Goodnight" you kissed the top of their heads "Night night Daddy" you smiled and left the room and closed the door gently.
You headed inside you and Izuku's shared bedroom "F-F/N? What are you doing? I'm changing" you smirked "Oh come on, I've seen you naked before" you went up to him and hugged his shirtless body "You smell nice Izu" you felt his breath on your chest "Even when we're grown up I'm still taller than you" you hear him groan, he pulled away wuth a pout. You grabbed one of your shirts drom your drawer "Here, wear this" you handed him your shirt "It's to big"{Thats what she said(°-°)} you chuckle "Just put it" he sighed and put it on.
It went down all the way to his upper legs, you blushed "Come one let's go to sleep" you laid down on the bed and cuddled with Izuku "Your hot you know that?" you feel Izuku stiffen in your hold "No I'm not" he burried his face in your chest "Goodnight Izuku L/N, my sweetheart" you feel him relax and snuggle in more "Goodnight F/N L/N, i love you" "Love you to"
(Hope you enjoyed this little Oneshot i did! And thank you for all the reads!! Goodbye My Little Puffers)