'Chapter 51'

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(I'm sorry about being so aggressive on the first chapter after months. I say sorry a lot, don't I? Anyways happy reading



You woke up once again, this time in a different place, it was a nice room with a big flat screen TV.

You tried to get up but you were strapped onto the bed frame, you were about to use the same technique from before but the door opened before you can.

It was an old man, who you assumed as your grandfather "F/N.." he walked over to your side and freed you.

You crawled away from him "What do you want from me?" you stuttered out  "I need your help" you furrowed your brow.

"With what exactly?"

He took a deep breath "To erase all Quirks all across the globe" your eyes widened for second "Why?" the old man hummed.

The door opened revealing Hana with a tray of food, Takao stood up and helped her by picking up the tray and setting it on the table beside the bed.

"Hana, how many times do I have to tell you don't have to do a lot of work around here"

"I'm sorry"

"No need, now go and rest"

You stare at Takao and back at the tray of food, you remembered when you were eating at the kitchen before.

"Don't worry, this one isn't poisoned"

"Where is Mika?"

"She's safe with Shawn and Hana. Now eat, I don't want you starving to death"

You didn't move, with a sigh Takao left you alone. You took a deep breath as if you were suffocating a moment ago. To be honest, you were a little bit scared of him.

The tray of food caught your eye, ut smelled good and you were pretty hungry.

You put your hands in your hair, gripping it in frustration 'What did I get myself into? What is with this family?' you take the tray of food and began digging into it.

It tasted good, you look around, you wanted to go home, take Mika and just leave..but you don't know where you are.

Don't know where you would go, Shawn would easily catch you and Mika.

You don't know what to do, Bakugou's probably getting rescued now while you're still here.

You don't know what happened after you passed out, you set down the empty plate on the tray, it was pretty hard to eat with one of your hand strapped onto the bed frame.

You got out of your restrain and walked over to the window, you looked outside.

Lights shined from many different buildings, it was night time. It doesn't look like you were in Japan, no, you were in America.

"We really need better restraints"

You flinched at the voice beside you, you turn to your left to see Shawn. You walked away from him "What do you want?"

"We need you downstairs"

"What exactly do you need me for? And whatever this "Erasing all Quirks" I don't think I'll be much help"

The man chuckled "Your needle Quirk" he grabbed your wrist and teleported you somewhere.


You were teleported into a laboratory, making you worried. You pulled your wrist away from his grasp and stepped away from him "Even if you disagree to our plans, you won't have a choice"

"What the hell are you talking about?!"

"Your needle quirk, all you need to do is learn the...serum, let's call it that, all you need is to learn the serum and with that you'll have a needle that can erase ones Quirk, permanently"

"You can't force me to learn this so called "serum". I remember you telling me I'll be..the perfect asset or vessel, what's up with that?"

He walked over to a counter with a tray of syringe, he grabbed it flicking the needle.

Suddenly he teleported away, you created a burning needle and looked all around you, being cautious.

You sensed him behind you, you threw the needle behind you but he teleported to fast making the needle hit the wall.

You created another one, you sensed him behind you but it was to late as you felt numb and your body weak.

You were still conscious, you just felt weak as if your body completely gave up on you.

Shawn laid you onto a bed and waited there, you hear the door open to see Hana. You heard her whisper to you "Sorry" she laid her hand onto your head, and with that everything went black.


Hana pulled her hands away from F/N, Shawn glanced at the boy as he opened his eyes.

They were still the same E/C but with a tint of green in them "Did it work?" Shawn looked away "Yeah"

F/N sat up with a daze look in his eyes "Let's wait for him" Shawn glanced at him making sure he doesn't come back to his senses.

"What if something bad happens to Dad when we do this?"

"Its his choice..we can't do anything about it now"

The door of the laboratory opened "Is he ready?" both of the sibling nodded, F/N stood up from the bed and walked beside Hana.

"Good, now let's begin"

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