'Chapter 52'

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Tadashi opened his car door for his wife who had just gotten out of the hospital "Careful" Kiyomi held onto his arm to steady herself.  Tadashi led his wife in the living room as he went back to the car to get the bags from the back of the car.

Suddenly he got a call from a pro hero in America "Yes?....I'll be on my way, I just have some things to take care of....thank you" he took the bags back to the house, inside. He heard his wife call out for him "Yes dear?" 

She patted the space on the couch, he sat down as he looks at Kiyomi who was staring down at the palm of her hands "I'll get them back" he take her hands in his and squeezed them gently. Kiyomi gave a light nod and pulled her hands away to look at him "Be careful"

Tadashi headed to the airport and got inside his private plane, inside was Yua "Are you alright sir?" she asked when she saw the look that was plastered on Tadashi's face "Yeah..I-  I'm fine" and with that, they took off.


Back in Takao's estate F/N was sitting in the living room playing with his sister, his eyes were dull but he acted as if he wasn't just kidnapped along with his sister. Hana walked over at the two "Are you two hungry?" Mika was hesitant to talk to her, she looked over her brother who smiled at her "It's ok"

He stood up and took Mika's hand, trusting her brother she did and they headed to the dining room where the food was already ready. She sat down as F/N sat beside her, they ate the delicious meal.

Mika then accidentally knocked over the cup of water beside her but before it could hit the floor it floated back to the table with some of the water spilling on the floor "Wha-?" she looked around, trying to see if it was Shawn who did it but nobody.

Hana walked over to her side "What's wrong Mika?" she looked up at her "Was that you?" the woman hummed "No?" the sound of her shoes stepping on the small puddle of water caught her attention.

"Oh..I'll clean that up, stay here with your brother" she nodded and continued eating her meal. F/N stood up and brought his empty plate onto the sink, he began washing them. Mika also brought her plate onto the sink as her brother washed them, she stood there watching her brother do the dishes.

"I wanna go home.." F/N stopped, the sound of the running faucet was the only noise that was heard until Mika broke it "I miss mom and dad. And, and mom! S-she..is she out of the hospital yet?..I..I don't know" F/N turned off the faucet and crouched down to his little sister's height.

He didn't look at her face that was full of tears and hugged her, she didn't hug back and F/N didn't say anything, there were no tears found in the boy's eyes it was still...dull.

Mika got out of her brother's hug and ran away to go to the room that she had been staying at, F/N stood up and continued washing the dishes. 

The h/c boy heard the sounds of footsteps getting closer in "Is dad alright?" he asked, Shawn sat down "Yeah.. it's so weird hearing him say things like that" a small chuckle left the younger boy's mouth "Also where are you..and the kiddo?" F/N brewed some tea for the two of them "With Mika"

He sat down and placed the two cups of tea for both of them, Hana arrived and sat down beside them as she grabs one of the cups and drank the tea "It's unbelievable that his plans actually worked" she and F/N said at the same time.

Before Shawn could get a sip of his tea he spoke "Can you not do that..it's unsettling" she chuckled and nodded.

Shawn then noticed the weird expression that his sister was giving and asked what was wrong "It's just that his mind...there's-" he hummed for her to keep going "There are memories that I can't access, some are blurry and disoriented" 

"That is weird..I've never seen you struggle in getting one's memory"

"Also...is what we're doing wrong?"


"I get why our brother left, I am upset that he did but...going after his family...his children"

"It's already done.."

"But we can stop this, all of this!"

Shawn placed down his cup quite harshly and stood up "We're too far ahead, and haven't you listened to dad's-" F/N stood up and walked in front of Hana "Oh..I see you're using him against us?" Shawn took a step forward "They're probably on their way. We'll talk later" Hana grabbed F/N's hands but he didn't flinch nor move "I'll make this right, I promise"


Both F/N and Takao were inside a large separate tube, both of them unconscious "Hana break the mind control" she did as told, F/N was still asleep. The device was offered to them by the LOV more specifically AFO, it was a device to transport ones Quirk to another. 

As said before, Takao's time was almost over, even if Shawn already have the same Quirk he said that it would be a waste. And the fact that taking F/N was a part of their plan from the moment they found out about his Quirk he didn't wanna waste the opportunity.

The original plan was just to receive the 'drug' that can erase Quirk but they had a deal that it would only arrive once a month, and only a few would arrive he knew it wasn't enough.

Takao found out about Kiyomi's Quirk, he let go of the fact that one of his children left but he still get information about how he was doing. After he found out he got married to Kiyomi he found out about her Quirk.

He wanted to take her but as their plan was being settled F/N was born and from there, their plan changed.

After a few hours, the transfer was done. The tubes opened, Hana stood at her spot as Shawn carried his father onto one of the beds, F/N was falling to the ground but he was awake to catch "Shit..Hana!-" Shawn was suddenly flung onto the wall.

He looked at F/N who tried to stand up but his body was weak, he grabbed onto the bed beside him to help him stand up "W-what?" he turned to Shawn who was trying to get up but his body was covered in crystals to immobilize him, he slowly walked his way towards Shawn as he leaned on the large needle he made "What the hell did you do to me?"

Shawn smiled "We gave you a new Quirk"

(And done, here is the new chapter. Goodbye everybody! Also this chapter isn't proof read)

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