'Chapter 10 pt2'

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You were 'hiding' in a very obvious spot, you were playing with needles and throwing them to the ceiling making them stick "I thought this would be fun" you sighed. Suddenly someone tapped your shoulders, you turned around and saw no one "W-who's there?" you shivered by the feeling of someone near "Is this place h-huaunted? Did students fucking died here?!" you began to shake furiously. You heard a girl's voice giggle 'There can't be any ghost in here, right?' you were about to scream and run in a different direction when "Its me Hagakure, the invisible girl" you froze.

"I totally forgot about your quirk" you sighed in relief, you look around not seeing anything "Where are you?" then you see her grabbing her gloves and putting them on "I was behind you" she giggled again, i sighed and glared at her playfully "Why didn't you tell me" you sweatdropped. She scratched the back of her head "Sorry, it was kinda cute seeing you all scared. You kinda reminded me of scared little kitten" she giggled once more, you looked around seeing no one "So I'm guessing Ojiro is the one guarding the weapon?" "Yep" she said popping the 'p' you nodded and motioned for her to follow you.

Suddenly the whole building shook as it began to freeze "Shit!" you made a large needle and used it to free you and Hagakure "Come on!" she was running as fast as she can but not fast enough, you sighed and carried her bridal style "L/N! What are you doing?!" you ignored her and went to the weapon where Ojiro is frozen in his place. You gently placed Hagakure on the ground and went to Ojiro to free him from Todoroki's ice, you used your large sword like needle and successfully freeing him.

"I'll hide in the room. The enemy probably don't know that you found me" They nodded and got ready for the heroes arrival, you hid behind a pillar making sure not to get found by Todoroki. Then the doors open revealing the said boy "You can move if you want" he said as Ojiro took a fighting stance "I can freeze your entire body again and again" you see Todoroki getting closer to the weapon, but when he passed Ojiro that was your turn. You made a paralysing needle and threw it at the direction of his leg, hitting it successfully making him fall on one knee "Ojiro hit him now!" he did as told hitting Todoroki, but he caught on and covered his right arms with ice as a shield.

You walked towards Ojiro but bumped into Hagakure "I need you to hold him off" you whispered to the invisible girl, you walked over to Ojiro "Protect the weapon" he nodded and took a fighting stance, protecting the weapon as you said. You asked for the tape to capture the heroes, he gave the tape to you and walked over Todoroki, he tried to stood uo but you quickly made another paralyse needle and threw it at his other leg. You then used the tape and successfully capturing Todoroki "Now all we need is to-" bedore you could finish your sentence Shoji suddenly appeared in the room from the door and fought with Ojiro.

You tried to help him by throwing a needle at him but you can't risk hitting Ojiro, so you did what you can only do at this situation. Combat. You ran up to Shoji and began fighting him with all the things you've learnes when you were training, Ojiro seemed to be running out of stamina and so are you. Shoji then kicked your ankles making you fall and captured you in tape "Damn...it" you panted, he did the same with Ojiro all that is ledt is Hagakure.

Shoji went to touch the weapon but was stopped by an unknown force or should i say Hagakure "Ugh!...i won't..let you wiiin!" unfortunately Shoji was to strong and successful stopped Hagakure and touched the weapon "We were so close" you sighed as you hear All Might said for everyone to come back, you turn to Todoroki and walked up to him "Here let me help" you took off the tape that was on him, you held out your arm but he slapped it away "I don't need your help" he said coldly "Your legs are still paralysed, you cant move or walk" Todoroki 'tsk' at you but grabbed your hand.

You put one of his arm around your shoulder and an arm on his waist "Sorry about this" you glance at Todoroki who was looking at you but he quickly look away with a small tint of blush on his cheeks "It's ok i guess" you chuckled softly and help him to Recovery Girl.

(Sorry for the short chapter but umm...I'm starting a new book about Aot/Attack on titan I'll tell you guys when it's published. Also sorry for the long wait of this chapter, see you all My Little Puffers)

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