'Chapter 27'

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It was the next day and you were chilling in the living room watching disney with your little sister and father while your mom was working.

Tadashi went to the kitchen probably to get some more snacks "F/N" you hummed "Your mother forgot her lunch, can you bring it to her" you stood up and grabbed the bento.

"And also can you buy some groceries as well?" you nodded and took the list from your father "Alright, I'll be off" you left and headed to the hospital first.

You finally arrived and asked the front desk where your mother was "She's currently taking care of a patient but she'll be finished any moment now" you nodded.

"I can just give it to her" you shook your head "I'll do it" you sat down on the waiting area scrolling through your phone, until a certain someone caught your eye "Todo?" you wondered why he was here.

Until it finally hit you 'Oh right...he's mother is one of the patients here' Todoroki seemed to notice you "L/N what are you doing here?" you put you phone back in your pockets "My forgot her bento so I came her to give it to her.

He nodded "Why are you here?" he looked down "I'm here for my mom" suddenly your mom appeared "Oh, F/N why are you here? And who's this?" you stood up and gave her the bento.

"This is my friend, Shoto Todoroki. Todoroki this is my mom, she works here" Kiyomi looks at Todoroki "Todoroki? Oh, your one of Rei's son, right?" Todoroki's eyes widen for a quick second.

"Y-yes" Kiyomi smiled "Your here to see her, correct?" Todoroki nodded "Well I've finished checking up on her, so it should be ok" Todoroki said a quiet thank you "See you L/N" you grabbed his wrist "Can I..get your number?" Todoroki blushed.

"Sure" the two of you exchanged numbers as Todoroki headed to his mom's room with your mother's helo to guide him "Time to get groceries"


You arrived at the grocery store and headed to the specific aisle grabbing the things from the list, you were in the vegetable aisle "The last thing on the list are potatoes and...carrots" you went to grab a carrot..

'Huh? This doesn't feel like a carrot' you looked at the carrot that turns out to be a hand, you retreated your hand back and turn to the person "Sorry I didn't mean to"

"Uuh no its fine" that's a familiar voice, you looked at the person "Shinsou?" the said boy rubbed his neck "Hey.." got the carrot and gave it to him "Here"

"Thanks" the whole time the two of you chatted while you help him get the stuff he needed.

You noticed him glancing at your left arm "Is your arm ok?" you smiled "Yeah, they said I'll have to see Recovery Girl tomorrow so she could heal it properly" he nodded.

You both went to the cashier and paid for the groceries "Thanks for helping me" "Aw shucks it's nothing. Hey...umm can I get your number?" Shinsou gladly gave you his number and you game him yours.

The two of you parted your ways and you headed back home.


You opened the door "I'm back" you took off your shoes and headed inside "What took you so long?" you laid the groceries on the table "I bumped into some friend" Tadashi nodded and began organising the groceries.

You sat back down at the couch and texted Todoroki first.

Hey this is L/N, is this Todoroki?


So how did your visit with
your mom go?

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