'Chapter 5'

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It has been five days since you took the entrance exam. You were currently in the backyard with Mika playing hide and seek with her "Found you!" Mika exclaimed as she found you hiding behind a bush, how original.

You smiled and ruffled her hair "Yeah, you did" she giggled "Hey Onii-chan?" You hummed as you played with her hair whilst her head was on you lap "Yes?" You hummed "Wanna see something cool?" You raised an eyebrow "Sure" Mika stood up and held her palms so you could see.

You tilted your head in confussion "What's so cool with your palm-" suddenly a small crystal began developing on her small, delicate palms. Your eyes widen 'I thought she didn't have a quirk. Mom said that her quirk never manifested' you look at her "When? H-how?" The h/c girl laughed "I got my quirk when you took your UA exam!" She gave you the small purple crystal.

"What's it called?" You asked "The doctor said crsta-crista..lizaytion?" You chuckled, you ruffled her hair which made her pout "Don't laugh at me!" You look at the small crystal then throwing at the small tree on your backyard "Aaahh! Onii-chan why did you do that?" You walked over to the tree seeing the crystal had put a dent on the tree "It's tough" you muttered, putting your hand under you chin.

"I'm home!" You heard your mom, you walked to Mika grabbing her hand "Come on" the two of you headed inside seeing your mom sitting on the sofa "Welcome home momma!" Mika jumped onto Kiyomi's lap "Urgh! Hahaha hey sweetie" your mom patted Mika's head.

You walked to the sofa and sat beside them "Mom, why didn't you told me about Mika's quirk?" You asked and turned on the TV, your mom sighed "We wanted to surprise you when you got in UA" you giggled "Well i guess the surprise was to early"

After a few minutes Mika fell asleep, you brought her to her room and tucked her in her bed. You headed to the living room to see your mom "F/N your father...his coming back home tomorrow" you smiled but that smiled soon fell into a frown when you saw your mothers face.

Her face was filled with sadness, fear and anger "That's...great i guess" you sat down next to her "I know you and your father don't really get...along, but please.." she turns to you, tears began filling her eyes "..At least try to get along with him" your eyes widen.

You've never seen her like this before, she always had a smile on her face. But right now you see a vulnerable mother who has fear in her eyes 'What the hell did my father do? Why is mom so scared? Why don't we get along?' Your mind filled with questions you don't know the asnwer to.

"I'll try" you muttered, your mom then headed to her room leaving you in the living room. You then went to your room and opened your computer 'Maybe i can find something about him in the internet' you serached up his name and your eyes widen...

Tadashi L/N also known as Crisiant

He was sent to prison after murdering two whole family. Now he owns his own company that makes gears for many famous heroes, Tadashi also has a family which no one knows where they live or who they are.

Tadashi who is famous for helping/providing heroes with special gears and also because of his case of being a villain also known as Crisiant.

You closed your computer 'He used to be a villain? What did he do to make mom be so scared of him? Why don't we get along?' You sighed. You heard a knock on your door, it opened to reveal Mika "Onii-chan..can you sing me to..sleep?" You smiled and walked to her "Of course" you held her small hand to your big ones.

You brought her to her bed and tucked her in, you turned on her night light and crouching down to her "What song do you want me to sing?" She yawned "..whatever you like"


You began singing the lullaby Kiyomi would always sing to you when you were still a kid. You hear a soft snore and stopped singing and looked at your sister, you kissed her fourhead "Goodnight my dear sister".

You headed to your room, got in your bed, tucked yourself in and tried to get some sleep.

(This chapter had nothing to do with the plot of the story but i just want to add some sibling bonding between Reader-kun and Mika-chan. And also some info about Tadashi also know as Reader-kun's father. Hope you enjoy this chapter and i love you all <3)

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