'Movie Special pt3'

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After a long time of fighting, the robots were all finally destroyed "Nii-chan, are you ok?" you forced a smile on your face.

"I'm fine" the dome crystal broke just in time the fight was over.

The trio ran up to the both of you, Kirishima lifted Mika up and carried her.

Bakugou and Todoroki helped you stand up "Are you sure you're ok?" you nodded.

"We need to hurry...the others need our help"


You finally arrived at the top, you saw tons of security bots coming for Uraraka.

You created an explosion needle and threw it at the bots, Bakugou launched himself up and exploded them along with the needle.

And while the security bots that was left was froze by Todoroki.

"Idiot! Don't use your Quirk more, you're already injured!"

"L/N, Kirishima, and Todoroki!"

You gave a weak chuckle, you walked over to Uraraka "Are you ok?" she nodded.

Uraraka noticed you clutching on to your abdomen as well as the blood in your hands.

"What happened to you?!"

"I'll be fine, where's Izuku?"

"Deku and Melissa are heading up to the top floor"

Kirishima sets down Mika, you gave her a small hug "More security is coming" you created a large exploding needle.

"Get out of the way!"

Both Kirishima and Bakugou moved as you threw the needle to the bots, explodibg them.

You fall to the floor, you groaned feeling your body sore, your left hand was bleeding from creating to much needles.


Todoroki, Bakugou and Kirishima took care of the rest of the bots while Uraraka stay by your side, comforting Mika.

You look up, seeing Midoriya and Melissa getting blown away "Deku, Melissa!"

"Bakugou, aim the propeller at Midoriya!"


Bakugou used his explosion to aim the propeller towarss Midoriya and Melissa, Todoroki used his flames to make a hot wind.

You see them got in the tower "They got in, release!" Uraraka released her Quirk.

Uraraka walked up to you "My wound is opening up more" you groaned at the pain as you create a normal needle.

"W-what are you gonna do?"

"Stitch it up"

You took off your blazer ripping it apart, you took a loose string from it and put it on the hole of the needle.

Your clothing underneath the blazer were already off, you took off the poorly put on bandaging.

You groaned as you stitched the cut together, good thing your mother thought you how to properly stitch a wound.

"H-how can I help?"

You smiled at Uraraka, you turn to Mika "Can you c-create a..a sharp crystal...l-like a knife" she hesitated.

"I-I'll try!"

Once Mika finally created a sloppy looking knife crystal you handed it to Uraraka.

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