'Chapter 13 pt2'

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Suddenly the black portal surrounded the whole class separating them all through out USJ, Iida usedhis quirkto save both Uraraka and Sato from being separated.

While that's happening you and Aizawa was still fighting Villains left and right, you created four electric needles and threw it at tge four villains who was standing next to eachother, you quickly backed away "Huh? What's this supposed to do--" you snappaed your finger "Don't get...cocky.." you panted out, right after you snapped your finger the needles activated making a pattern of electricity to each needles that was stuck in the skin/cloth of the villains and successful electrocuting them and making them fall to the ground.

You smirked as you cough out blood "It took me...a lot of practice...t-to do that technique" you then fell to the ground on one knee 'Shit! I passed my limits' you tried to move but everytime you tried to you hiss in pain.

You cursed when you sensed a villain about to attack from the back, you were prepared for tge impact but it never came, you looked behind and saw Aizawa holding the villain with his scarf and took him down "Thanks..." you muttered.

This was the last straw, your body fell to a limp on the ground "L/N!" you were thankfully still conscious. You watch as Shigaraki was running towards Aizawa who was still occupied with fighting other villains "Mr...Aizawa!" you tried to make another needle but it was no use, you were already passed your limits. You watch as Aizawa threw his scarf towards the blue haired villain, unfortunately he caught it, both of them was running towards eachother.

Aizawa elbowed Shigaraki's stomach but Shigaraki was able to use his hand as a shield, slowly Aizawa's sleeve bagna to disintegrate along with the skin of his elbow, you cringe at the scene "N-no..." you croaked out. Aizawa backed away as soon as possible, villains began swarming him again, attacking Aizawa.

You looked aroun and saw Midoriya, Tsu and Mineta 'I need to get their attention' you crawled towards them a little making sure Shigaraki doesn't notice you, you created a normal needle and tried to throw it at their direction...unfortunately...your head was smashed to the ground making it crack, as pool of your own blood began gushing out of your head.

You looked behind seeing the large bird like creature also called as the Nomu, the Nomu held your head back amd slammed it back to the ground "Agh!" you look at your three classmates now looking at you 'This can't be the end, right?' soon enough the amount of blood loss and the impact of your head being slammed down to the ground made you passed out.


My eyes widen seeing F/N's unconscious body laid limp on the ground "N-N/N-chan?..." he can't be..dead right? he promised me that we'll be the #1 hero, we still haven't even competed yet, i still haven't told him yet. He can't be "Midoriya...L/N's alright, right?" i heard Mineta ask.

I turn to Mr. Aizawa screaming for F/N while fighting the villains, soon enough Mr. Aizawa defeated the three villains 'I need to save F/N!' my eyes widen more when i saw the large creature behind Mr. Aizawa.

°•●END OF POV●•°

"You're so cool..." Shigaraki said to Aizawa who's hair and scarf was floating ready for when Shigaraki attacks "You're so cool...!" he repeated "By the way, hero..." Aizawa looks atchis back seeing the Nomu behind him 'I didn't notice him move from L/N to me!' Aizawa's eyes widen "...I'm not the last boss" Shigaraki continues as he looks at L/N's body on the ground "L/N...he's almost as cool as you, hero" he looks back at Aizawa who was now at the ground.

Aizawa was held down by the Nomu "I'll tell you, Eraser Head.." the Nomu sat on his back holding his arm back, twisting it while the other arm of the Nomu was holding Aizawa's head "..He's the anti-Symbol of Piece, the bioengineered Nomu" Shigaraki said as the Nomu twisted Aizawa's right arm, completely breaking it, Aizawa screamed in pain.

"You can erase Quirks. That's wonderful, but nothing impressive" Aizawa looked at the Nomu's eyes snd activated his quirk, unfortunately the Nomu moved his other arm from Aizawa's head to his other arm and breaking it like a twig, Aizawa screamed in pain 'I'm sure i erased his Quirk. That means he's just that strong' the Nomu held Aizawa's head back 'He's strong as All Might' the Nomu slammed Aizawa's head to the ground like what he did to you.

"M..M..Midoriya, I can't take it anymore" Mineta said through his hand making his voice sound muffled. Midoriya, Tsu and Mineta watched their teacher and classmate get beaten to a pulp not being able to do anything "I'm sure you must be having second thoughts, right?" Mineta asked the green haired boy "Kero..." suddenly Kurogiri appeared next to Shigaraki.

"Tomura Shigaraki" he said "Kurogiri, did you kill Thirteen?" Shigaraki asked the living portal "I put Thirteen out of action, but there were students that i was unable to disperse.." Kurogiri informed his boss "..and one of them was able to get awat" Shigaraki turns to his ally "Huh?" the blue haired began scratching his neck furiously. "Kurogiri, you..." soon you're eyes began to flutter open "If...u...weren't...a..wa..rp..." your dull eyes look at Kurogiri and Shigaraki "I'm..not d-dead?" you looked around, your eyes widen seeing Aizawa on the floor being held down by the Nomu.

You could barely hear anything, your head and body hurts and worse of all you felt numb, you couldn't move at all. Shigaraki stopped "We can't win against dozens of pros. It's game over. Man, it's game over this time" you tried to crawl over to the two villains, hissing in pain everytime you move "Let's go home" the blue haired villain turns to Kurogiri.

"They're going home?" Mineta asked getting a sense of relief "Did he say they're going to leave?" the small boy asked turning to his other classmates "That's what i heard" Tsu answered. Mineta smiled, tears filling up his eyes as he suddenly hugs Tsu, purposely touching her tata's, the frog like girl put the perverted boy's head under water "I have a bad feeling about this, Midoriya" the said boy nodded "For them to simply retreat after doing all this" Midoriya agreed.

"Oh yeah. Before we leave, let's smash some of his pride" Shigaraki turns to the three students and in a blink of an eyes he was already in front of them "as the Symbol of Piece" the blue haired villain reached out his hand for Tsu's face ready to disintegrate her. But before he could, a wall of crystal separated him from the three students, Shigaraki touched the crystal although it didn't turned to dust 'Crystal?!' the three students and Shigaraki thought at the same time.

Shigaraki turns around "You two...are really cool" Midoriya looks over at Aizawa who's Quirk was activated meaning he erased Shigaraki's Quirk, he then turns to you, your left eyes was glowing e/c with your left hand hand covered in clear white crystal "F/N has...two Quirks?" Midoriya muttered under his breath "F/N...L/N huh? Now i know why you look so familiar. Your the son of the infamous Tadashi L/N!"

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