'Chapter 50'

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(The following chapters will not contain contents of the following episodes of Bakugou's rescue. In fact we'll be focusing on the Reader and Mika's rescue and dive deep into the L/N family. I call it the 'ℒ/𝒩 𝒜𝓇𝒸)

It was the next day, Kiyomi has woken up the night the incident happened, not really the greatest time to be awake when her children was missing.

She heard the news about the training camp and both of her children missing.

Tadashi went to go see her "Kiyomi.." the moment his wife saw him she stood from her bed. Tadashi quickly assisted her "You shouldn't be standing..you're still recovering"

She weakly punched her husband's chest with tears pouring from her gold eyes "You said you'll protect them..you'll protect him"

Her sobbs began geting louder until she was full on crying on her husband's chest "..please...you need to get them back"

She falls to her knees making Tadashi crouch down to see if she was ok, she was bawling on his chest tears falling to the floor.

"Tadashi.." he hugged Kiyomi tightly, placing his chin on top of her head "I will...I'll get them, I promise"

Tadashi left after some time making sure his wife have calmed down, his phone then rang.

He picked it up "Sir...we may have found a lead" he adjusted his tie and got inside his car and drove to a destination that was sent to him.


Tadashi's black car stopped on a building that was surrounded by the police. A woman with black hair and dark brown eyes walked up to him.

"Last night, a pedestrian saw a black portal appear right in front of this building. We searched the building but there was no signs of the man from last night"

A police officer handed the lady a see through tablet and an empty medicine container.

Tadashi looked at the container and garbbed it from the woman's hand "Its probably the old man's" you handed it back.

The woman swiped through the see through tablet, it was information about Shawn, mostly all those information was given by Tadashi himself.

"Shawn isn't a Japanese name...if he's you're brother then why is his last name not L/N, sir?"

"It was my mother's. She's an American business woman who happens to bump to my father"

Yua followed Tadashi into his car as they head back to his company building. The lady wrote down the information Tadashi has given.

The car stopped in front of a large building, Tadashi got out of the car with Yua following her into the building.

Going in an elevator and pressing the button to the 20th floor, the elevator door opens and they head over to a meeting room.

Yua sat down at one of the many empty seats "Sir, do you have any more information about Shawn's Quirk"

"He can teleport anywhere as long as he know what that place looks like and where, it takes him a lot of energy to teleport to a very far place"

"They're probably still in Japan...with Shawn resting his Quirk so they can leave and go back to America. If they try to book or if they did book a flight then the authorities we contacted will catch them so they're definitely still in Japan"

"We've been investigating on this case for a long time now..." Yua assured Tadashi "We'll catch them, sir" he patted her head with a smile "We sure will, kid"

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