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Jimins pov

I rush to Jins House and see all the others standing outside and jungkook holding jungmin close to his chest "I won't let you take him!" namjoon looks at me "jimin...we've rang the hospital" my eyes widen "what?!"

I walk towards jungkook "baby-" he shakes his head "I hear him!" I gasp when suddenly police show up with an ambulance. The police stand in front of us so I can't get to jungkook "the fuck are you doing?!"

They ignore me and I hear jungkook scream "GET AWAY FROM MY BABY!" I try and get past the officer but fail.
I hear jungkook sobbing, I look past the officer and see a nurse holding jungmin and jungkook being handcuffed "what are you doing to him?!"

The nurse walks to me and hands me jungmin "jungkook is not safe to be around....we will take him to the hospital-" I hand jungmin to felix and rush to jungkook and crouch down in front of him.

He looks down with tears streaming down his cheeks, my heart breaks and I pull him to my chest "it's okay baby... You'll get better and be out in no time" I kiss his head and he looks at me "jungmin isn't safe jimin! He isn't safe!! You need to take him away from here!"

The nurse walks to us and makes Jungkook stand up "come on dear... Let's get you to the hospital" jungkooks eyes widen "hospital?!" I stand up and he looks at me "you-" he gets pulled away and put into the ambulance.

I hear jungmin crying and the ambulance drives off. I take jungmin from felix "cancel the classes and all the Concerts" namjoon gasps "wait... Jimin-" I glare at him "my boyfriend is now in a fucking mental hospital because of you all..."

They look down and I walk home holding jungmin. I see jennie stood by the door, I walk to her "if you're here for jungkook he isn't here" she shakes her head "nope I'm here to help you with jungmin until jungkook gets better!"

I open the door and walk inside, she walks in too and closes the door "the hospital will help jungkook get better... I know you don't think it was the right thing to do but-" I cut her off "but nothing jennie! People are gonna think he's crazy! When he's not! It's not his fucking fault!!"

She sighs and I put jungmin in his crib "it's not his fault he's like this and now he's been taken away! He won't see me, or jungmin or any of us until he gets out that hospital! And it's not fair... I want him to get better but I want to be there for him!!"

She nods and puts her hand on my shoulder "and you can be there for him! At the hospital each week they have a phonecall each so you can call him and tell him you're there to support him....remember this is to help him get better jimin..."

I nod and then sit on the couch with my head in my hands "this is all my fucking fault...if I had never fallen-ah ow!" jennie flicks my ear "don't think like that jimin!"
I look up at her and she sighs "jungkook loves you and he Knows you're there for him... He wouldn't want to be with anyone else"

She sits next to me and I tear up looking down. She smiles "this is not your fault jimin...don't blame yourself, why don't we start to plan how you're gonna propose to him?" my eyes widen "w-what?" she nods "let's think of positives! Soon you can get married and have another baby"

Tears roll down my cheeks. She looks at me and giggles a little "but after some cuddles" she wraps her arms around me and tears roll down my cheeks, she rubs my back "he'll get better and taemin will get arrested... It'll be okay jimin"

She strokes my hair and I cry on her shoulder

I-I just want things back how they use to be....
I want my jungkookie back

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