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Jungkooks pov

I sit on the couch with jungmin in my arms. I look at him and sigh "I'm sorry I can't be the mother you deserve" I wince when jimin hits the back of my head "you're a fucking amazing mother shut up" he sits next to me and sighs "seriously jungkook.... you're the best mother ever....jungmin will grow up wanting to be just like you"

I look at him. He smiles "give yourself credit're still young and neither of us knew what to think when we found out you were pregnant....but you fought through it and you gave birth to our beautiful shouldn't put yourself down baby....."

I look down "but-" he cuts me off and shakes his head "don''re an amazing amazing Boyfriend....jungmin will grow up wanting to be exactly like you....look forward to the day when jungmin first goes to schook....when he brings his significant other home.....when he has his own kids....and when he gets married..... he'll need you through his life matter what"

He pulls me closer to him and I rest my head on his chest. He kisses my head "one day I'm going to marry you", my eyes widen "w-what?" I look at him. He smiles "one day I'll get onto one knee and propose to you....and I'll make you mine forever"

I smile and kiss his cheek "I really don't deserve you jimin" he smiles "and I don't deserve you jungkook.....but we're together.... forever" jungmin smiles making me smile aswell

I lay jungmin in a baby swing

I kiss his head and make sure he's strapped into it and then I sit on jimins lap and lean my head on his shoulder

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I kiss his head and make sure he's strapped into it and then I sit on jimins lap and lean my head on his shoulder. He rubs my back and smiles "you're going to be the best mother ever" I blush and kiss his cheek "and you're going to be the best father ever"

He smirks "and the best daddy~" I gently hit his chest making him laugh a little. I sit back a little and look at him. I put my hand on his cheek "I never thought we'd end up here..." He shakes his head "me neither.....however I did kinda hope we'd end up here.....I instantly fell in love with you when I saw you"

I blush "oh....that reminds me....don't you have a tour soon.....y' are a singer and dancer" he huffs "'s a world tour as well" I smile "that's haven't been on tour for ages....I'm sure your fans miss you",

He wraps his arms around my waist "can you come with me?" I giggle "you'll have namjoon,Han, hoseok all with you.... you'll be fine" he shakes his head "no cause they're all bringing their significant others.... so I'll bring you and jungmin....I can't leave you"

I ruffle his hair "me and jungmin will be fine.....but if that's what you really want then okay" he smiles "yay!!" I gasp when he pulls me down so we're both led down on the couch. He holds me close to him and I smile and grip his shirt

He sighs "you're gorgeous" I blush "shut up" I lean my head on his chest and smile a little.

I gasp and fall off the couch when the door bursts open and taehyung yells "JEON JUNGKOOK WHERE IS MY GUCCI SLIPPERS?!?!?!?!?!!!" I groan and sit up. Jimin stands up and Huff's "guys seriously.....jungmin could have been asleep" jimin helps me up and I huff and rub my butt a little "that hurt my ass"

Jimin chuckles and gently pats my butt "it's fine shush" I roll my eyes and look at taehyung "what did I do now?" He crosses his arms "my Gucci slippers hand them over" he holds his hand out. I yawn "I haven't got them....why would I want them anyways? They probably stink"

He gasps dramatically "!" Yoongi Huff's "Tae they're just shoes...calm down" taehyung puts his hand on his chest "I cannot believe the amount of disrespect"
Jimin laughs "taehyung....go and check your bedroom underneath hoseoks hoodies you stole"

Taehyung walks to his bedroom and then gasps "I FOUND THEM!!!!" I roll my eyes and giggle "I question what goes on in his head" jimin nods "sometimes we all do.....we love him though" I nod "of course we do"

Jin looks at me "you look a lot happier kook" I nod "I am....I was uh....just Being dramatic....I'm fine" jimin wraps his arms around me "you weren't being were just doubting yourself....everyone does's okay"

I melt in his touch and smile a little. Namjoon nods "it sounds like Postnatal depression which is s type of depression that parents can have after having a baby.....Symptoms include constant sadness, lack of energy and difficulty bonding with your baby.... that might be what it is....don't quote me on it though"

I look at jungmin and sigh. Jimin kisses my head "you're okay now right baby?" I nod "yeah of course...."
Hoseok smiles "it takes time to get over this....." Yoongi nods "just make sure to rest and relax when you can jungkook....and jimin continue to tell him what an amazing mother he is"

I giggle "guys I'm fine now....It was just a small thing that popped up in my head....I normally doubt myself....I'm okay now though....jimin helped me and I'm fine now.....were a family that love one another" jimin kisses my neck making me giggle a little.

I lean my head on his shoulder and then look at him. He stops kissing my neck and kisses me deeply making me kiss back. I pull away and taehyung walks out the bedroom "alright bitches!!!, Movie night!!" I look at him and laugh

He chucks onesies at each of us "go change and we're having a movie night" we all laugh and then walk to our bedrooms (taehyung stays with jungmin)

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He chucks onesies at each of us "go change and we're having a movie night" we all laugh and then walk to our bedrooms (taehyung stays with jungmin)

This is my family.......and I'm a good mother........I hope

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