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A month later

Jimins pov

I gasp and duck when jungkook throws a dirty diaper at me. I stand up "jungkook! What the fuck?!" He looks at me "what?" I point at the diaper "don't chuck shitty diapers at me!" He sighs "I'm sorry you were in my way"

I cross my arms "I'm on the other side of the room!!!!"  He glares at me "stop fucking whining jimin! It's a diaper! It not like I chucked actual shit at you!" He picks jungmin up who starts crying again.

Jungkook walks to me and passes jungmin to me,he stops crying and I gasp "jungkook I have dance class to teach in a Few minutes!" He looks at me "cancel it! You're always at class and you never spend time with jungmin! So cancel it be take care of your son!!!"

He walks into the kitchen. I sigh and look at jungmin "eomma is a little stressy today baby boy....very very grumpy" he giggles. I pull my phone out and message Jisung saying I can't make class today.

I walk to the kitchen to see jungkook sat at the table with his head in his hands. I sigh "jungkook-" he looks at me "I can't do this jimin.....I'm stressed and I feel sick....I'm not qualified to be a parent..."

My eyes widen "what are you saying?" He looks down "jungmin deserves a better mother.... meaning....I don't know if we should be together" I stare at him "w-what? You can't be serious"
He stands up "I almost started crying because he wouldn't settle! I can't do this jimin! I'm not cut out to be a parent!"

Tears roll down his cheeks "I'm sorry jimin....." I shake my head "jungkook no.... we'll both get better.....jungmin is happy and healthy and that's what matters! You can't just abandon him!" Jungkook looks down "he deserves better....." He walks to our bedroom and he closes and locks the door.

I look at jungmin "we need to keep him here baby......somehow we need to show him he is an amazing eomma" jungmin giggles and I then grab my keys and phone and walk out the house.
I have an idea and I hope it works

Jungkooks pov

I hear the front door close and I smile a little "he agrees with me.....I'm glad... they'll have a fantastic life without me...I'm not fit to be a mother...."

I stand up off the bed and start to pack up my things, I assume they want me out before they get back...
Where will I go??? No idea....

They'll be happier without me......
Like I said....jungmin will grow up happier and healthy and will have an amazing Appa and I'm use jimin will find mother eomma for him..... he'll be fine.
And all the others will be happy too...and that's all that matters to me....

Dance teacher (jikook)Where stories live. Discover now