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Jimins pov

A few months later

I yawn a little making my way back home to jungkook.
Class had just finished and I was walking home to jungkook. The others are all out together and are at an amusement park I think....

I hear my phone ring and I groan and answer "hello??"


I jump "whoa whoa whoa what's wrong baby....what's happened?" I start to run back. He was breathing heavily "my water it broke! Please hurry!!"
My eyes widen and I hang up and run as fast as I can back home to jungkook.

I open the door quickly "jungkook?!"
I run to the bedroom when I hear a bang.  I open the bedroom door and gasp when I see jungkook sat on the edge of the bed panting.
I run to him "I called the ambulance alright they'll be here soon baby"

I crouch down in front of him. He grips my shoulders tightly "" I sigh and nod "I know it is baby but we'll be a can do this....I'm with you"

I hear the ambulance arrive and then paramedics run in when jungkook screams in pain.
Both paramedics were women, jungkook looks at them both "y-your girls?" They both nod "we can call a doctor if-"

Jungkook cuts him off "no! No! Please just get it out of me!!" They both nod and then lay jungkook down "are you okay for us to examine you?" Jungkook nods and grabs my hand tightly.

Jungkook blushes a little when his pants and underwear are removed and a sheet is placed over his bottom half.
One paramedic examines him and gasps "you're already 6cm..... meaning the baby is almost here already....."

My eyes widen and then jungkook screams in pain "just get it out!!!!!!" The paramedic nods and then looks at me "are you the father?" I nod "uh yeah I am..." She nods and smiles "then I'll get you to cut the ambilicord alright?" I nod.

I wince when jungkook bites down hard on my hand.
The paramedics do whatever they have to to and then nods "alright Mr jeon you are 10cm and I need you to push alright? The baby will be here soon....breathe for me alright"

Jungkook takes a deep breath and then bites down on my hand muffling his screams in pain and he pushes.
I wince loudly and then take a deep breath and kiss his head "you're doing amazing baby, it's okay.... deep breaths baby"

He lets my hand go and I wipe the sweat from his forehead.
The paramedics smile "alright mr jeon a little more and your baby will be here..." Jungkook nods

About 30 minutes later

We hear a baby crying. Jungkook falls backwards on the bed, I gasp when the paramedic pulls me to the end of the bed and hands me some special scissor things. I cut the ambilicord and she then cleans the baby up and smiles "you have a beautiful baby boy"

I gasp when she hands me my son.
Jungkook was sweating and panting and the paramedics help him clean himself up after he delivers the placenta.
I sit down next to jungkook who moves down to lean his head on my thigh.

I look at him and smile putting my hand on his cheek "we have a beautiful baby boy" he nuzzles my hand and smiles. The paramedics smile "congratulations to you both....a midwife will be out tomorrow to check you again's just to check everything over?" Jungkook nods "that's fine....thank you" they both smile and walk out after cleaning everything they used up.

Jungkook yawns a little and sirs up wincing a little, we both look at our son and he giggles a little "what should we name him?" I shrug "what about jungmin?" Jungkook giggles and nods "alright...park jungmin...." I kiss Jungkooks head and smile "you did Amazing made us a family"

He looks at me and then leans his head on my shoulder. I kiss his head, we both gasp when we hear the front door open. Jungkook groans a little "please keep them away from me for a little.....I really want to rest?" I pass him jungmin so he can feed him and then nod "get some rest baby I'll be back in a few minutes alright?" He nods

I stand up and walk out the bedroom to see the others all sat in the lounge.
Jin looks at me "hey jimin, where is jungkook?" I smile "he's resting with jungmin"
They all gasp and look at me "what?!!?!"

I laugh a little getting jungkook some water "he's had our's a beautiful baby boy"  they all smile "that's amazing!!!!!!!"
I nod "so stay away from him a while because he is gonna be a cranky for awhile.....and he's gonna be tired"

Yoongi Huff's "I'm always tired but you bitches never leave me alone" I roll my eyes "don't be so grumpy yoongi....anyways my babies need love so don't come into the'll all get a chance to meet him but for now leave them be" they all nod.

I walk into the bedroom again and smile a little seeing jungkook asleep with jungmin in his arms.
I put a glass of water on the bedside table and kiss Jungkooks head "rest well baby....."  I start to walk out when he grabs my sleeve "stay with me.....jungmin wants Appa cuddles"

I chuckle and then lay down next to him, he moves so he's led on my chest and jungmin also on my chest. I wrap my arms around them both and kiss Jungkooks head "I love you baby" he smiles "I love you too jimin.....thank you"
I go to ask why but I hear his cute snores.
I chuckle a little and close my eyes as well.

We have a son..........I'm so happy.......... we're a family...........

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