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Jimins pov

I walk to jungkook who was sat on the couch... He hasn't moved in an hour "baby?" he looks at me "a-ah sorry...." I sit next to him "jungmin is having a nap... What's wrong?"
He turns to me crossing his legs "I-I just don't know what to do..."

I sit back and then pull him onto my lap "what do you mean baby?" he straddles my thighs and grips my shirt "I-I'm not safe jimin... What if I go mad again?" I sigh "you didn't go mad.. You were being protective"

He shakes his head "I went crazy jimin!!" I cup his cheeks and shake my head "no you didn't....our son was in trouble and your mother instincts kicked in... You just wanted jungmin to be safe, every mother would do what you did... This just proves you're an amazing mother"

Tears roll down his cheeks "I-I missed his first birthday... H-his first word... H-his first steps...h-his first everything!!" he leans his head on my shoulder and cries more.

I wrap my arms around him "and I wish I could rewind time so you could experience them...wanna know what his first word was?" he nods, I make him sit up and look at him "it was eomma...ever since you got taken from us you are all he wants..."

He wipes his tears with his sleeve "really?" I nod "he missed you.... I missed you so much" he smiles "I missed you too... B-but I-I don't want to see the others again.... F-for awhile"

I nod "they won't come over until you're ready... They understand why you don't want to see them... Just focus on getting better okay?" he nods a little "C-can I have a kiss?" I nod "you don't have to ask baby"

I pull him closer to me and kiss him deeply...
I've missed kissing him so much...

He tilts his head deepening the kiss, I move my hands to his waist pulling him closer to me and lick his bottom lip making him open his mouth a little. I slide my tounge into his mouth and he whines a little gripping my shirt

I pull away and he blushes madly. He wipes his mouth and I kiss his cheek "you alright?" he nods and then mumbles "I-I've m-missed kissing y-you.." I almost didn't hear him.

I chuckle a little "I've missed kissing you too baby... And holding you in my arms" he looks down at my shirt "C-can y-you take it off?" I tilt my head "my shirt?" he gulps "y-you don't have to! I-I've just-"

I cut him off by taking my shirt off. His breath hitches and he then places his hands on my chest gently, I smile and then put my hands on top of me "you've missed skin-to-skin?" he nods

I glance at the time and then smile "jungmin will wake up in 2 hours..." I stand up holding him in my arms, i walk to the bathroom and then run a bubble bath. I put some bubbles into the water and then make sure it's the right temperature

I then turn the water off when it's high enough and then turn to him. He blushes and then makes sure the door is open a little so we can hear if jungmin wakes up.

I also undress and then help him step into the bath, he sits down and I see him relax. I smile and then climb in behind him, I pull him to me and he then leans back against my chest

I move my hands to his shoulders and start to give him a massage making him relax even more. He closes his eyes and I kiss his head "I love you so so much baby.... Welcome home"

I move my arms around his waist and he rests his hands on top of mine "I love you too... So so much" he looks up at me and I lean down and kiss him again, he kisses back slowly turning to me

I'm so happy he's home....I've been waiting for him to be in my arms again....ive fucking missed him so much...

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