back in class

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Jungkooks pov

It has now been 1 week since the incident, people are posting about it everywhere, I haven't been to practice at all...but today is Tuesday so I'm being dragged to dance class...I am dressed in some black leggings and a white cropped jumper with trainers on.

We arrive and it's like the first time I came here, Namjoon is currently carrying me inside on his shoulder while I try and get away, I hear a chuckle in front of us, everyone stops walking but I don't stop trying to get out of his grip

However I stop when I hear jimins voice "let me take her out your hands, me and jungkook need to talk" I grip namjoons shirt and shake my head "we have nothing to talk about" I gasp when Namjoon lifts me off his shoulder but I am automatically thrown over jimins shoulder, I huff "you guys are awhere I AM NOT A SACK OF POTATOES!!"

Taehyung chuckles "kook calm down it's only your like 4 year crush holding you, you've dreamt of this!" I glare at him "that was ages ago! And it was ONE time!" Yoongi scoffs "fuck off, I remember you running to my room once an hour before yelling at me, telling me how amazing and talented jimin is and if I didn't agree you'd cut my dick off"

Jimin smirks "awww you have a crush on me~" I scoff "not anymore I don't, you are an asshole" he nods "I am really?" He lowers his voice to a whisper "you wouldn't want everyone to know it was you I was with right?~" I huff "I mean....yes jimin you are my crush, I love you soooooo much, so sexy, so handsome, good at everything....put me down now"

Felix gasps "no don't let him go! It's an imposter! Jungkook would never agree with us!" I groan, jimin nods "let's get to class now" they start to walk to class, I look at Felix "I actually hate you right now" Felix shrugs "I honestly don't feel threatened"

Jimin opens the door to the dance studio, I can't see who is in the room but I hear gasps and of course a few laughs. I slap his back "put me down now" jimin puts me down and smirks "alright everyone in a line!!" I glare at him, we all line up, I'm in between Jennie and taehyung

Jimin stands in front of us all "right! Well done to those of you who have been to their dance practice!" He glares at me, I look away. Jennie Huffs "why don't any of us have you as a teacher??" Wait what??

I look at taehyung who puts his index finger to my lips and shakes his head, jimin crosses his arms "that's because I only teach students who look like they have a good potential in dance, I teach people who are almost at professional standards" I roll my eyes...that's bullshit..

Jennie nods "so nobody in this class??" He shakes his head "I teach one of you" Jennie leans forward a little inspecting each person, jimin rolls his eyes "however! They didn't turn up to practice so tonight they will be staying after class and I will punish them"

Han smirks "sounds kinky~"

Jimin glares at him but then looks at me and smirks....I'm dead...maybe I could just escape?
Taehyung nudges my arm and whispers "by the way, Namjoon,Han, hobi and jimin are coming over to ours, it's a thank you for teaching us dance" I look down...




Namjoon walks to jimin and turns to the students "jimin I was wondering if we could possibly see 5 people dance to friends by Anne Marie??" Jimin smirks "of course Namjoon....hmmmmm how about





And jungkook, you guys are friends, dance together"

I go to refuse but taehyung pulls me in front of the class, I am pushed to the middle, I huff and whisper "why am I center?" Jin glares at me "stop whining and dance" I huff, hoseok starts the music, I take a deep breath and then start to dance
(top video-jungkook is the one in white)

Han stops the music, I look at jimin who smirks. Everyone claps, Felix walks to me "dude what's up with you and jimin? There's so much tension between you two" I shake my head "it's nothing..." I walk back into the line where I was stood before, Jennie turns to me "you're an amazing dancer"

I smile "thank you, you're amazing as well.." she nods "I know...I'm better than all people in this you know who jimin is teaching??" I shake my head "no idea sorry...I'm sure it's one of the more extreme dancers...who teaches you???" She sighs "none of these teachers in here teach anyone out of class, so we get taught by teachers who teach lower grades like Minho, he's my teacher"

Doesn't she know all of them teach people outside of the class?? Why doesn't she know??....I'll ask jin-hyung later

Jennie grabs my hand and pulls me away from the line "you're close with yoongi right?" I nod "yep! He's my favourite hyung...don't tell my other hyungs" she giggles "can you give him my number? He is SUPER cute" she hands me a piece of paper, I shrug and take it "uh right back"

Jimin was stood with yoongi and my group of friends, everyone was now doing their own dance things, I walk over to yoongi who Huffs "hello jungkook" I roll my eyes "so enthusiastic!....Hello yoongi-hyung! It's wonderful to see you on this fine day!" He rolls his eyes and chuckles "what do you want kook??"

I tilt my head "can I not say hello to my favourite hyung??" I hear jin-hyung gasp "your favourite hyung?!!!" I giggle "no no no! That's not what I mean!" Jin-hyung slaps the back of my head "I'm the one who feeds you jungkook so I should be your favourite" taehyung shakes his head "I'm the one who helps you get into leather jeans! So I should be your favourite! You're most comfortable around me!"

Felix shakes his head "he is not! He literally sleeps in the same bed as me most nights cause he gets scar-" I cover his mouth "I don't have a favourite hyung so all of you be quiet!!" They all nod "yes jungkook..." I move my hand and then give yoongi the peice of paper Jennie had handed me

Jimin glares at me "love notes? To your hyung??" I shake my head "it's not from me, that's gross... yoongi-hyung isn't that special...or's from Jennie...she called you super cute, emphasis on the super" jimin nods "I see..." Yoongi opens the note and laughs

I tilt my head "what does it say??" Yoongi writes something down on it and hands it back to me, I huff and walk back to Jennie and hand it to her "here you go" Jennie looks at it and gasps "how dare he!" I look back at yoongi "what did he do??" She hands me the note "just read it!"

I nod and look at it and then bite my lip to stop myself from laughing, it says:

If i could rearrange the letters in the alphabet I'd put U and I together
xxx-xxx-xxx =my number, call me
-jennie ❤️

And then yoongis response was:
Too bad you can't and it's also too bad N and O are already together (ps. I'm gay)

Jennie grabs the note back and crumples it up "he can't be gay! I'm a perfect woman!! Right?!" I shrug "I guess...I'm not sure...I'm not really into women..." She gasps "you can be my gay best friend!!"

Now that really fucks me off, just because I'm gay I'm now her bff....I step back a little, she gasps "omg that means we can have girls night together! I can't paint your nails and we can talk about hot boys together!! It'll be so much fun!" I go to refuse but she hands me the same note she gave yoongi "save my number and text me tonight! So we can arrange a girls night!!"

Before I can say anything jimin yells "CLASS IS OVER!!" Jennie then waves and runs out the room, I cross my arms and pout...I don't really wanna be her 'gay best friend' I hear Felix yell "jungkook hurry up or you'll go in jimins car!!!" I gasp and grab my stuff and sprint out to my friends who laugh, I look at them "what?"

Jimin smirks "you're coming with me anyways, yoongi is going in with hoseok in your car and you and Felix are coming with me and my friends" i look at Felix who smiles "and you're sat in the front seat" I huff....can my day get any worse..

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