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One week later


"I'll be here waiting jimin" I put my hand on jimins cheek. He shakes his head "I don't want to leave you and jungmin.....all the others are coming....." I nod "because they can sing with you....me and jungmin will be here waiting for when you return"

I see jimins manager standing behind him. Jimin sighs "but I'll be gone for months! I'm not leaving! I won't be able to watch my baby grow up" I sigh "jimin....this is your whole career....what you built up to be....and you need to put your career first....now go",

He looks down "I wish you could come with me" I smile "like I said jimin....we will be here waiting and we'll call whenever you're free okay? Now have fun" he kisses my head and then hugs me tightly. I hug back and giggle "you're going to miss your flight....go"

He sighs and then kisses jungmins head "bye bye baby boy I'll be home soon" I kiss him deeply and he kisses back. He pulls away and sighs "I'll call you when I arrive!" I giggle "okay...now go" he looks at me and pouts. I roll my eyes "park jimin go!" He Huff's "I love you!"

I giggle "I love you too" he walks out the house and gets into the car with the others. I stand outside the door and wave to them. They all wave at me and Jimin blows kisses to me making me laugh a little. They drive off and I look at jungmin "just me and you now baby.....Appa was called early to his tour....but that's okay"

I walk inside and close and lock the door. I put jungmin in his swing and he giggles. I smile and kiss his head "we're going to watch every livestream that Appa does okay and every video of their concerts until the day they come home"

Jungmin giggles and I tilt my head when there is a knock at the door. I walk to the door and open it seeing Jennie stood there with Lisa, rosé and jisoo (who I had met in dance class), I smile "hey girls" they all smile "we can have girl's nights until they come back!!" I giggle "sure....come on in" they all walk in and Jennie walks and plays with jungmin while the others sit on the couch making me smile.

I look at them all "drinks?" They all nod "yes please" I smile and walk to the kitchen. I gasp when my phone rings. I look at it and shake my head "for goodness sake" I answer "yes jimin?" He Huff's "it's been too long...I miss you....I'm coming home"

I shake my head "no jimin you are not....you are going around the world to see and meet your fans....if it makes you feel better I'm not alone, Jennie,Lisa and rosé and jisoo are all here to keep me company and help with jungmin" he sighs "but baby-"

I cut him off "park jimin do not come home....I'll send you loads and loads of photos of what's happening here okay? And you send me photos of everything you see while traveling okay?" He Huff's "fine......but when i get back I'm having a five hour cuddle session with jungmin and then a twenty four hour cuddle session with you"

I giggle "that sounds weird but of course.....I'll be waiting by the door with jungmin on the day you arrive okay?" He makes kissing noises "love you baby sending loads of kisses" I laugh a little "I love you too jimin....now go" I hang up And smile "he's such a child sometimes..."

"But that shows how much he loves you"

I turn around to see jisoo stood there. She smiles "I came to help with the drinks" I smile "thank you" we begin to make everyone's drinks, she sighs "do you....do you think I stand a chance with Rosé" I look at her "you like her?"

She blushes "yeah...but I think she likes someone else" I lean against the counter "you shouldn't think like that.....if you like her....then tell her....and if she doesn't like you then she's missing out" she sighs "I don't know what to say though"

I giggle "I wouldn't ask me.....you saw how jimin asked me out....he didn't give me a choice" she giggles. I smirk "stay here" I walk into the lounge and tap Rosé's shoulder "hey can you go help jisoo with the drinks? She also needs to talk to you about something" she nods "of course!"

She stands up and walks to the kitchen.i sit on the couch and Jennie giggles "that won't do much kook" I smirk "it will....Just you wait" Lisa smiles "you have so many photos of you and jimin around" I nod and giggle "jin-hyung and Hobi-hyung are always taking photos"

I smile looking at some photos, jungmin starts to whine so I pick him up and sigh "it's so quiet without Appa and all your uncles here...isn't it baby?" Jennie sighs "sorry we can't make it any better" I shake my head "no we're going to have a great time....it just feels weird without jimin hugging me....but it'll be okay... he'll be back in no time!" She nods "yeah"

I sit back down and cuddle with jungmin who stops whining and giggles making me smile "time will fly by and Appa will be home with all your uncles....but for now we sit with your aunties and have fun" he grabs my finger making me giggle

Time will fly by....right?.....jimin will be back soon!

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