Normal Ways

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A few months later

Jungkooks pov

I giggle watching all of Jimins students hugging him "YOU'RE BACK!!!" I see jungmin toddling around the dance studio.

I gasp when jennie walks over to me "Kookie?" I look at her and smile "noona.." she gasps and hugs me "I missed you!!!" I giggle and gasp when he pushes me back still hugging me so I'm lead down and she's led on top of me hugging me

I wrap my Arms around her "I missed you too" she sits on my stomach "oh you've grown so much!!!" she pinches my cheeks making me giggle "aigoooo" I gently push her off me and sit up "its nice to see you again noona,mental hospitals really aren't fun"

Her eyes widen "oh yeah, I completely forgot you got sent to alright now?" I bring my knees to my chest " not crazy anymore" she sighs sitting next to me "you weren't crazy to begin didn't deserve to go to that hospital...I wish I was there for you "

I look at her and smile "its fine noona... I had jimin and jungmin with me, and we're home now, things will go back to normal!" she tilts her head "normal?" she gestures to the door and I look up and see all of our old friends

I bite my lip and look down "they put me into that hospital....i-i want to forgive them, but-but-" she places her hand on top of mine "you don't have to forgive them Kookie, do what you feel is right"

I see jimin talking to taehyung. I stand up and gasp a little seeing jungmin run to felix "uncle lix!!!" felix picks him up "hey little dude" they all then look at me. I gasp and then rush to Lisa and hug her making her laugh a little "hello to you too kook"

She strokes my hair "you alright?" I sigh leaning my head on her chest "I-I want to forgive them....b-but they're the reason I was put into that mental hospital...t-the reason-" she nods "I know kook, I know"

She wraps her arms around me and smiles "at least your home now, you're with jimin and jungmin. And you have me and jennie to protect you as well now" I step back and look at her "you will?"

Jennie walks over and wraps her arm around Lisa and nods "we both will! For the rest of our lives!! Kookie protection squad!" I giggle and hug them both "thank you noonas!!" they both laugh a little and hug me back

I step back and turn around and gasp seeing the others all staring at me. Jimin walks over to me "you sure you wanna stay here baby? We can go home" I shake my head "N-no it's okay...i want to stay"

I look at him and he pecks my lips " gonna start the class okay?" I nod and then sit down on some pillows by the wall. Jisung walks over to me "may I sit next to you?" I look up at him and nod "sure"

He sits next to me and looks down "I'm sorry" I look at him "huh?" he sighs "I'm so sorry, I didn't realise how much going to that hospital would effect you...its my fault... And I'm really sorry" I turn to him and smile a little "jisung, look at me"

He looks at me and then gasps when I tackle him in a hug. He falls backwards and I giggle "you silly squirrel! I don't blame you!" he laughs a little and wraps his arms around me "you forgive me?" I giggle and nod "yep! I just miss cuddle time with all my friends!"

Jimins pov

I look over at jungkook and see him hugging jisung giggling. I smile and then continue to teach everyone how to do this dance. I continue to glance over at jungkook and see him talking to jisung

Jungmin tries to copy what I'm doing making me chuckle "good job babyboy! Such a good job!" he continues to dance to the music making me smile

Things are going back to normal....

And I'm so happy jungkook is happy and okay now...

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