What's Best For You..

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Two days later

Jimins pov

I sigh seeing jungkook sat on the couch staring at the wall again...

I walk to him and sit next to him "baby?" he looks at me, I brush some hair out his face "I've been thinking...what if we move?" his eyes widen "w-what?" I nod "we can move back to busan and start a new life there"

He sighs "but what about our- your friends?" I huff "they put you in a hospital....i don't forgive them and neither do you, when you forgive them they can visit and see jungmin... But until then, I think moving is a good idea"

He looks at me and then looks away "I-I'm not sure.." I put my hand on his thigh "I've already bought a house in busan...its for the best, all of us will be safer nd happier in busan....and..ive found a therapist" his eyes widen "w-what?! Why?!"

He stands up "are you saying I'm not getting better?" I shake my head "no but we can't continue like this jungkook...im stressed and tired..you have too many panic attacks and they scare jungmin... You need help jungkook"

He sits back down and looks down, my heart breaks seeing tears roll down his cheeks. I sigh "baby...please understand I only want what's best for you" I nod "y-yeah... Its for jungmin... So... So I'll see T-the therapist"

I make him look at me "don't think like that... I want you to do this for you, not me, not jungmin... But for you" he hesitates but then nods "o-okay..." I peck his lips "I love you so much baby"

He moves so his head is against my shoulder "I love you too... And-and I want to get better..i-i really do" I nod "and you will, you just have to let us help" I kiss his cheek and wrap my arms around him

I gasp a little when jungmin toddles into the room giggling "eomma!" jungkook sits up and gasps "good boy baby!!" he stands up and walks to jungmin picking him up "you're so grown up, my handsome baby"

Jungmin wraps his arms around Jungkooks neck and kisses Jungkooks cheek making me smile. Jungkook gently pulls jungmin back and smiles "I love you so so much baby boy" jungmin smiles "love you eomma!!"

Jungkook looks at me as jungmin hugs him tightly again. I smile "everything will turn out okay in the end... I promise you" he nods and then sits back down next to me holding jungmin

I wrap my arms around them both "my beautiful babies, I love you both with my whole heart" they both hug me back and I then move so they're both sat on my lap and I then kiss both of their heads

We then all decide to watch a Disney movie. Jungkook gasps "Mulan!" I chuckle and put Mulan on, he sits up a little more and then leans against my chest still holding jungmin

I'm so glad he agreed to see a therapist...i didn't want to have to find one, but it's the best for him...

And moving... I've bought a huge house in busan which will have guards around it all the time and cctv in every room on at all times
Just so he feels safe and I know he's safe

I just want what's best for him and what will help him get better...

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