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Jungkooks pov

"JUNGKOOK WAKE UP!!!" I jump and fall of the couch, I groan and sit up and open my eyes "why?!" I look over to the kitchen to see taehyung stood there "go get ready for the party!" I huff "but I really don't wanna go!!" Jin walks in "have fun being in constant pain then" I stand up "fine I'm going!"

I walk to my bedroom and change into some fishnets, black denim ripped shorts that only cover half of my thigh, I put on a black cropped top and a red flannel shirt, I put on some black heeled boots and walk back out to my friends, they all look at me, Felix giggles "not a girl huh?" I glare at him "shut it"

We all get into a car, Im sat between yoongi and taehyung while Felix sits in the front while Jin drives, I lean my head on yoongis shoulder "why do you guys get nice seperate dance lessons and im stuck with park jimin" yoongi chuckles "y'know for one of his fans you do whine a lot about him" I nod "cause he's a strict asshole!"

Taehyung nods "we did tell you that"
Jin nods as well "but you never listen to us" I roll my eyes.
Jin parks the car, we all climb out and I yawn "I'm getting my phone then sitting in the car until you guys come out" Felix smirks "yeah right" we all walk inside the MASSIVE house, I look many drunk people dancing and grinding on one another

I look at yoongi who looks uncomfortable, I giggle "can I stay with you yoongi?" Yoongi nods "definitely...I'm not going near anyone here..." Felix pouts "you two are so boring" taehyung gasps "Hobi!!" I look over to see hoseok now stood next to taehyung, yoongi Huffs making me smirk "you can go over with them y'know??..."

Yoongi looks at me "what will you do?" I cross my arms "find jimin, get my phone then escape, it's simple" I hear hoseok chuckle "good luck escaping jimin, he's searching for you" I look at him "why me??" Hoseok shrugs "no idea" I huff. Jin gasps "joonie!!" I raise my eyebrow when Namjoon walks over wrapping an arm around Jin

They all look at me "what?" I smirk "anything I should know about you guys and your teachers??" They all go silent, I roll my eyes "I'm gonna take a wild guess....Jin and Namjoon together?" They nod, I look at taehyung "you, hobi and yoongi?" He nods, I look at Felix who was looking away from me, "you and jisung??" He hesitates but nods

I giggle "wow some friends you are, I swear we said no secrets" Felix nods "we's just that if we told you we knew you'd never come to dance class cause you'd assume we would all be clinging off one another" I roll my eyes "Felix your 19, youre a big boy I couldnt care less if you're clinging to someone, if I may remind you I was forced Into all of this"

Namjoon nods "he has a point...I had to carry him inside while he was hitting my back" I nod "exactly!" They all sigh "sorry jungkook" I shrug "it's fine, I expect one pack of banana milk each from you guys tho" taehyung Huffs "whatever you flipping two year old" I glare at him "excuse me Kim taehyung?" He gulps "he used my full name..."

I go to say something but get Intturrupted by Han's voice "HEY GUYS! WHERE'S KOOK?!" I look at him making him gasp "JIMIN HE'S OVER HERE!!!!" I glare at him and then quickly disappear into the crowd of drunk people, I manage to get through the crowd and up the stairs almost tripping over drunk people, I find a balcony and somehow manage to be alone on the balcony.

I lean my arms on the railing and lean my head in my hands and look over the balcony to see a massive pool, loads of drunk teenagers around it dancing to the loud music, some people actually in the pool. I sigh and then giggle a little when I see my friends, they were dancing together with their boyfriends, im assuming Felix is drunk because of how he is literally grinding against Han who's face is bright red

"You're alone I see?" I jump a little and then turn around "oh..jimin....y-yeah I'm alone....not a big party person" I turn back and lean back how I was on the railing, he moves next to me and leans his back against the railing "so why are you here?" I keep watching my friends "cause my friends said if I didn't come you'd go even harder on me when I come to practice" he Chuckles "that was a was the hardest I'll go on you... you're only small, don't wanna break you"

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