don't touch him!

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A/N:This chapter might be very random and ridiculous but 🤷🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️ I'm stressed and want to write here you go

One week later
Jungkooks pov

I sit on the floor of the dance studio feeding jungmin a bottle of milk and I feel someone staring at me. I turn around towards the door and see Taemin stood there smirking.

I stand up "can we help you?" (The others were all dancing so weren't paying attention to us) taemin walks in and to me "jimin will be put the child down" I look down and see him holding a knife towards me. I hesitate but then lay jungmin down in a crib in the studio

I look in the mirror and see Jennie has seen us and I look at taemin "what have I ever done to you?" He glares at me "you STOLE my boyfriend" he moves the knife closer to me and I then grab the blade of it so he can't stab me or anyone else and wince when it slices my palms and I then pull it out his hand when jimin runs over pulling me away from him.

I drop the knife to the floor and feel the blood leaving my palms. Taemin smirks "hello kitten~ did you miss me~" jimin scoffs "no I fucking didn' leave me alone" Taemin smirks "I'll give you a choice babyboy~ you either come back to me and your precious little fiancée and child will live....or~ you decide to stay with them and I kill them both!!!"

My eyes widen and I see a man holding jungmin holding a knife towards him and I then rush to him pushing the man away from him making him drop the knife and I take Jungmin from him  ignoring the pain in my hands or the blood on his clothes "i-i won't let you take him from me!!" Everyone looks at me and Jin rushes to me "'s okay" I shake my head "no! Don't touch my son!"

He gasps " not gonna take him!...calm down!" I breath heavily. I hear sirens outside the building and jimin looks at Taemin "my worst mistake was going out with you! You need to move on!" I hold jungmin close to me trying to block Everything else out and i scream when someone tries to take him off me. Tears roll down my cheeks and someone then pulls the man away.

I fall to the floor holding jungmin close to me not worried about the blood on his clothes. Tears roll down my cheeks, I then close my eyes and whisper to jungmin "it's okay... eomma's here... it'll be okay"

"Sir? Please let me treat your wounds-"

I open my eyes and then shuffle away from the woman in front of me "no!! Don't touch me! Get away from my son!" Jimin rushes to me "baby!" I look at him and he opens his arms. I cry and then hug him "t-they were gonna h-hurt him!  We need to protect him! T-they can't touch him!!",

Jimin nods "I know baby...I know...but we need to clean your hands and make sure they're okay" he gently takes jungmin from me and the woman then looks at my hands and I flinch a little when she touches them "o-ow" she smiles "it'll be okay dear...will you let me stitch them up and dress them?"

I look at jimin who nods "go on baby...I'm here and jungmin is in my arms... it'll be okay" I nod "o-okay" the woman then stitches my hands up and puts a bandage around them but I don't take my eyes off of jungmin.

She smiles "okay done" I then grab jungmin from jimin and hold him close to me and I stand up looking around making sure there's nobody here who will take him from me. A police officer walks to me "Mr jeon can we have a small chat with you?"

I step back away from him and breath heavily "g-g-get away from my son!" Jimin gasps and wraps his arms around me "hey hey...calm down" he looks at the officer "I'm sorry....can you possibly talk to him when he's calmed down?....someone just tried to take his son and kill him... please give him time"

I calm down a little and shake my head "i-i won't let them take him jimin! I won't let them take him!!!" Jimin strokes my hair "I know....I know baby" I look at him and my eyes widen seeing him with a small bandaid on his head "w-what happened?", He sighs "nothing....he just caught me with a small blade that's all"

I gasp when Felix walks to us, I hold jungmin close to me and turn away. Felix stops walking "I won't come any closer jungkook don't worry.... we'll clear things up here....jimin take jungkook home..." Jimin nods "come on baby" I shake my head "n-no! There are bad people out there! They could be hiding in the crowd of your fans! Or- or-"

He cuts me off "baby... nothing is going to happen...I promise" I shake my head "i-i don't trust them!! They might take jungmin!" He sighs "want me to carry you out and I'll get some bodyguards to surround us okay?" I look down and then gasp a little when he picks me up bridal style.

I make sure jungmin is okay and wince a little feeling a pain in my palms and then sigh holding jungmin close to me

I-i don't trust anyone...t-they might take jungmin...o-or kill him!...

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