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One month later
Jungkooks pov

I wait in the lounge for jimin to come home (me and jungmin had to leave a week after our anniversary so we didn't distract the others during the tour)

*Flashback to when jungkook had to leave

I laugh as jimin hugs my legs "no don't go baby! I need you with me! To keep me motivated!" I look down at him "jimin stop being a child and say and jungmin will see you in a month okay? Your fans need you" he stands up and hugs me tightly "I don't want to go another day without you!"

I kiss his cheek "one month jimin and we'll have cuddles for hours okay? Now let me go, we're going to miss out flight!" Jin pulls jimin Off me. Jimin whines "please stay baby" I giggle "I love you jimin" he nods "I love you too baby" I kiss him and then make my way to the plane while holding jungmin.

I hear jimin whining making me giggle....he can be such a baby sometimes

End of Flashback*

Today is the day he comes home! The others all have the same flight but jimin got an earlier one so he'll be back before the others.
Jungmin was led on the floor playing with his toys.

I sit on the couch and sigh a little looking at the time....he should have been here by now....
Should I call him? guess his plane is just late....I shouldn't worry

I hear the door unlock and I jump up off the couch and run to the door and my smile widens

I hear the door unlock and I jump up off the couch and run to the door and my smile widens

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"JIMINIE!!" I giggle when he drops his bags and opens his arms for me. I run and jump into his arms hugging him tightly, he hugs back and chuckles "I've missed this" I smile and nuzzle my head into the crook of his neck "I missed you"

He kisses my cheek "I've missed you too..
.kiss?" I step back and then stand on my tip toes to kiss him deeply. He smiles a little and kisses me back deeply pulling me closer to him. I pull away and giggle "we watched all your performances! You guys were amazing!!"

He smiles "thank you baby! Loads of people were asking for you when we met fans outside and asking how you were and fans adore you" I giggle and then jungmin squeals making both of us laugh.

We walk into jungmin and jimin picks him up "hello baby boy!!! Hows my handsome prince!!" Jungmin giggles and I smile watching jimin cuddle jungmin....jungmin still looks so small when jimin holds's so adorable....

Jimin looks at me "come on princess....cuddles now" I close the front door and then walk to him and he lays on the couch with jungmin on his chest. I then climb in between his legs and lay down with my head on his chest and he wraps an arm around me while the other is around jungmin

He begins to tell me about the performances and all the fan Interactions....I listen but I'm more focused on having him back and his scent which I missed so so much....

He's finally can't get any better!!!! It may have been only a month we've been apart but we both know that we hated it....we never want to be apart for so long again.....but now....were just happy were together again and I can tell you for a FACT that we will stay in this same position for the rest of the day...

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