Happily Ever After

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Two years later

On jungmins 3rd birthday

Jungkooks pov

I smile seeing our old friends walking into our backyard. I walk over to them all "hyungs?" they look at me and gasp "jungkook." i smile "I forgive you..im sorry for taking so long to forgive you" yoongi smiles "no we understand..thank you for inviting us"

I look down "it wasn't me who invited you.. It was jimin" jimin walks over to us and smiles "hey guys... Jungmin is excited to see you all" they all smile. I turn to jimin and he smiles "you all okay now?" I nod "I've forgiven them all" he smiles and nods "alrighty"

The others all smile and then walk over to jungmin. I wrap my arms around Jimins neck "thank you for being with me all this time" he pecks my lips "don't thank me, like I said in my vows.. I will be with you for better and for worse, for now and forever"

I giggle a little and then pull him down to me and kiss him deeply, he kisses back wrapping his arms around my waist.

We both gasp when a water balloon gets chucked at us getting us both wet. We pull away and I laugh a little seeing felix holding jungmin in his arms while jungmin holds two water balloons.

I smile and gasp when jungmin chucks the water balloons at me getting me soaked. Jimin laughs and then gasps when yoongi dumps a bucket of water over Jimins head.

I laugh gripping my stomach while jimin stands their silent while soaked.
Yoongi laughs a little and walks to me "you're welcome" I laugh and yoongi looks at me and smiles. I jump on yoongis back "quickly! Run away!" felix starts to chase us while holding jungmin

Jungmin laughs. I see jimin drying himself off while watching us all playing.

I jump down off yoongis back and giggle when jungmin chucks more water balloons at me. I grab him from felix "GOTCHA!" he screams and laughs.
I then walk over to the pool "you wanna go in baby?" he nods

I climb into the pool holding him and I then put some floaties on him so he won't go under the water. He giggles.
Taehyung then jumps into the water and swims over to jungmin and starts to play with him in the water making me smile

Jimin huffs and then climbs into the pool and so do all the others. I swim over to jimin and he grabs my thighs and lifts me up while I wrap my legs around his waist. He smiles "you're smiling a lot today" I nod "I'm happy we're all together again"

I put my hands on his cheeks "I love you so so much Park jimin" he smirks "I love you too Park jungkook" I giggle and lean down kissing him deeply, he kisses me back. I tangle my fingers in his hair and pull away from the kiss

We both gasp when all the other start to splash up. We laugh and splash them back laughing.

I'm happy that this is our happily ever after....
I couldn't ask for anything else.
I'm married, I have a son and all of our friends are back again and I forgave them all..

I'm so happy... Best ending ever...

~T. H. E.. E. N. D~

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