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Jungkooks pov

I giggle when jimin leads me somewhere in the house with his hands over my's 6pm and I was about to give jungmin a bath when I got rudely interrupted by jimin pulling me. I laugh a little "where are you taking me jimin?" He chuckles "shush and you'll find out" he stops walking and then kisses the back of my neck "ready baby?" I nod "I guess...."

He uncovers my eyes and I gasp

I look at him "h-have I forgotten an anniversary or something?

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I look at him "h-have I forgotten an anniversary or something?....what is all of this?" He puts his hands around me and smiles "nothing....just a Romantic gesture to tell you that you need to read more...your grammar sucks" he hands me a book.

I push him away from me "Aish! I do not need to read! My grammar is amazin!g....but this is an English maybe it can help me learn English?" He laughs "uh hu....sure yeah.... definitely" I roll my eyes and then flip through the book and my breath hitches when I stop on a page "jimin...."

I look at him and he smiles "well? Will you?" I smile and nod "of course I will!" He then takes the ring out the book and puts it on my finger, I chuck the book on the desk and hug him tightly, he hugs back "I love you jungkook so so much"

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I look at him and he smiles "well? Will you?" I smile and nod "of course I will!" He then takes the ring out the book and puts it on my finger, I chuck the book on the desk and hug him tightly, he hugs back "I love you jungkook so so much"

I smile "I love you too...." I look at him and then kiss him deeply and he kisses back wrapping his arms around my waist pulling me closer.
I pull away and gasp a little seeing tears Rolling down his cheeks "why are you crying?"

He smiles "I didn't think you'd say yes...." I tilt my head "no was never an option jimin" I wipe his tears and he chuckles "Aish I love you so fucking much" I giggle and kiss his cheek "I love you too....and I always will okay?" He nods and then kisses my head.

I gasp a little when the others all burst into the room "WHAT DID HE SAY?!" I laugh and hold my hand up and they all cheer "YAY!!!!" Jin fake cries "you're growing up so fast" I giggle

Jimin sighs "it was getting Jins and yoongis permission which was the hardest part of all of this" I laugh "you asked for their permission to marry me?" He nods "well yeah...they're charge of you so yeah...." Yoongi crosses his arms "I wasn't ready to let jungkook get married....but then I remembered you have a child together so I'll let it go this time"

Namjoon laughs a little "congratulations and Jin are looking after jungmin tonight and we're all going to stay at our this house is all yours for tonight" jimin wraps his arms around me from behind and I blush "oh.....well that's nice" they all laugh

They all then say congratulations and then walk out. Jimin spins me around "we won't do anything don't worry about we celebrate with movie night and cuddles? Don't fuck up the bed though....that took me an hour to sort out" I laugh "let's go to the lounge then okay?"

He nods and then kisses me and I kiss back, I pull away and we both then change into some comfortable pajamas and we walk to the lounge and jimin puts on Spiderman homecoming and he sits with me in between his legs with my head on his chest watching the film

He Intertwines our fingers and then kisses my knuckles "I can't wait for our wedding" I look at him "me's gonna be the best day of our lives" he chuckles and nods "of course it is" he leans down and kisses my nose "let's get some sleep I'm tired....I was stressing all day today"

I nod and then he wraps his arms around me Holding me close and I smile and continue to watch the film. I hear him whisper "I love you baby.... goodnight" I smile and then look at him to see him asleep. I kiss his cheek gently "goodnight...I love you too"

I then slowly fall asleep

I can't believe he asked me.....I'm so happy.....

????? Pov

You won't be happy much longer jeon....jimin will be mine!!


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