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Jimins pov

I walk back into the house and gasp looking around not seeing Jungkooks things. I walk to the bedroom after putting jungmin down in his crib. I see jungkook sat on the bed staring at a photo

I walk to him and he looks up at me and quickly wipes his tears "s-sorry....I was meant to leave before you got back...." he stands up I shake my head "no jungkook put your ass back on this bed right now"

He looks at me and then sits back down on the bed. I put my hand on his thigh "you're an amazing parent us perfect baby...." He looks down "I want him to grow up happy" I nod "and he will....if we stay together"

Tears roll down his cheeks, I make him look at me and kiss his tears away "don't cry beautiful you're an amazing mother and I'm going to prove that to you" he tilts his head "how?" I take his hand and pull him up and out the room.

I pick jungmin up and pass him to jungkook who tilts his head. Jungmin opens his eyes and looks at jungkook and giggles and then grips his shirt "e-e-eomma!" Jungkooks eyes widen and he smiles and nods "well done baby!"

Jungkook looks at me "you taught him to say that?" I nod "of course I are his mother and he loves you, no matter what you do jungkook you'll always be part of this family so you sit your ass down on that couch and I'll order dinner and we will have a family night tonight because all the others are out tonight"

Jungkook sighs "jimin-" I cut him off "no I'm going to treat you like a king so it your ass down and listen to me" he Huff's and sits on the couch cuddling jungmin.
I kiss his head "don't ever think this stuff again okay?"

He nods "y-yeah okay...." I walk to the kitchen "want a coffee baby?", He nods "yeah please" I nod and walk into the kitchen

How do I make him see that he's wanted and is a good mother....I don't have any ideas..........
I just want him to realise that he's an amazing mother....

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