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Two days later
Jimins pov

I glare at Jungkook who was doing a lot of housework "jungkook!!" He looks at me and gasps "y-you're back?" I see jungmin in his crib in the lounge, jungkook sighs "I didn't want the house to be a mess when you came back....my hands don't hurt that bad"

I cross my arms "jungkook! You have cut your palms! You could injure yourself more if you continue this! And jungmin needs to go into his bed... he can't have a crib in every room" Jungkooks eyes darken "you think I'm going to allow some psycho to take my baby?!!! Someone could kill him jimin!!!"

I sigh "there are guards all around the house, at every window, every door, every crack in the wall....their are guards everywhere...he isn't going to get taken" I pick jungmin up and my eyes widen seeing blood through the bandages on Jungkooks hands

I put jungmin down "jeon jungkook come here right now!" He looks at me shocked and then walks to me, I gently grab his hands "how did you do this?" He sighs "I heard a noise in jungmins bedroom s-so I picked jungmin up quickly and moved things around the room so nobody can get into the window"

My eyes widen "you've been moving heavy objects?! Baby that will make your hands worse!" He tears up "I don't care!! Someone could creep into this house and take our son!! I won't let anyone take him jimin!!!" I gently pull him to the kitchen and bandage his hands again with a first aid kit we had

He then walks back to the lounge to check on jungmin. I follow him and he then picks jungmin up and whispers Something, I walk to him and put my hand on his lower back "you're so stressed baby....are you sure you're okay?" He nods "I'm fine!" He yawns

My eyes widen "how long did you sleep last night?" He turns to me "16 minutes..." My heart breaks a little "baby.... you need to rest...I know you're worried but we need to be strong for jungmin.... he'll be okay I promise....now Jin and namjoon are coming over with all of the others to look after jungmin at Jin and namjoons house while you and I relax"

His eyes widen "they're taking him?!" I shake my head "no baby.... he will be down the road.... he will be with people we trust okay? And the guards will go with him....he will be safe while you rest okay?....I'll treat you like a queen okay?" He looks at jungmin and nods a little "o-okay...but we have to ring them every hour to check-in okay?"

I nod and kiss his head "I know baby and we will I promise....I just don't want you getting too stressed and tired and Something bad happening to you.... the others will be over soon okay?"he nods

I then sit on the couch and he sits on my lap with jungmin in his arms, he leans his head on my chest, I stroke his hair "careful of your hands baby" jungmin whines a little and then opens his eyes looking at me. I smile a little "eomma is being too protective isn't he babyboy?"

He smiles a little and I then look at Jungkook who was fighting sleep, his eyes close for a little but he shoots them back open, I play with his hair "get some sleep baby I'm here and I'll keep an eye on jungmin I promise" he whines but then his eyes slowly close and he falls asleep

I look at jungmin and chuckle "your eomma is so stubborn sometimes....I just hope I can help him relax while you're with uncle Joon and uncle Jin" he smiles again and then holds my finger making me smile and kiss his nose

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