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Jungkooks pov

I yawn a little when we arrive at the doctor's.
We both climb out and walk in. Jimin grabs my hand and walks to the front desk "hello?"
A woman smiles "hello how can we help you today?"

I rub my eyes, jimin nods "my boyfriend has been having the worst mood swings ever, he feels sick and has....gained a bit of weight in a short amount of time....and I'm just worried about him"

I roll my eyes "I'm sure I'm fi-"
"That sounds like your pregnant sir"
My face goes pale "I'm WHAT?!"
The woman jumps "I'll get a midwife to check definitely but it certainly sounds like it..."

I turn to jimin "you put a child inside of me!" He gulps and backs away from me. I walk towards him "you didn't wear protection!?"
He chuckles nervously "h-hey baby, we don't know for definite that you're pregnant...."

I stop walking when a woman calls my name out.....that was quick.
I walk to the woman and she smiles "my name is Vicky it's lovely to meet you Mr this your boyfriend?"
She gestures to jimin, I nod "yeah....that's park jimin"

Vicky nods "well follow me"
We follow her into a small room. She pulls a chair out "Mr park you can sit here.... jungkook would you mind laying on the bed and lifting your shirt up?"
I nod "I uh....okay"
I hesitate but lay down on the bed in the room and lift my hoodie up just above my stomach((I didn't have a shirt on))

okay" I hesitate but lay down on the bed in the room and lift my hoodie up just above my stomach((I didn't have a shirt on))

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My eyes widen "I didn't realize I had gotten this fat"
Jimin nods "I always wear really baggy clothes so we wouldn't notice....not even at always wear my huge hoodie",

I gasp when something cold is put on my stomach

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I gasp when something cold is put on my stomach. Vicky giggles "sorry...I'm just checking if there is actually a baby"
I glare at Jimin who moves closer.

He stands next to me and we all look at the screen.
My breath hitches when on the screen there is something in my stomach

My breath hitches when on the screen there is something in my stomach

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Vicky smiles "there's a baby!'re already about 20 weeks haven't drank anything alcoholic or done drugs?"
I shake my head "no... never"

She giggles "you can know the sex of your you wanna know?" I shrug "o-okay..."

She moves the machine around a little and smiles more "it's a baby.











I smile and then she wipes off the gel. I pull my hoodie down and look at jimin who gulps.
I growl and grab him and pin him to the bed "YOU IMPREGNATED ME!"

His eyes widen "i-i didn't mean to!"
Vicky giggles "Mr jeon....I know how you must feel....being so far along and nor and your boyfriend should have a talk about this...but please go careful....if it's alright I'll come and visit once a week to check on you and the baby girl okay?"

I look at her and then back at jimin who gulps. I huff and nod "that's fine...." I climb off jimin and cross my arms "thank you Vicky.... we'll be going now"
She sighs "don't be too angry Mr jeon....children bring couples closer"

I walk out the room with jimin not saying a word.
We climb back into the car still in silence.
Jimin sighs and looks at me "jungkook...I'm sorry....if I knew you'd get pregnant I wouldnt have ever had sex without protection....I know you're still in much as I hate can get one and I'll understand",

I look at him and he looks down starting the car and starting to drive.
I sigh "I don't want to get rid of it jimin....but....






((A/N: what's he gonna say???))

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