bad mood

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Jungkooks pov

We arrive at jimins house, he parks up, I climb out the car, jimin climbs out and locks the car and I then look at jimin who was walking in front of me to the front door.
Did I fuck up asking that question?

Jimin opens the door,I speed up a little and walk inside. He looks at me "I'm going to change. Pick a movie", he walks into his bedroom.
I sigh and sit on the couch and put on a horror film.

I start to watch it when I hear jimin walking back into the lounge, I don't bother looking at him cause I know he's in a bad mood. He sits on the other couch and watches the TV

All of this.... because I asked about taemin?...

I cross my arms and continue watching the much for 'lots of cuddles and kisses',
There is a jumpscare,I grab a cushion and hide my face behind it quickly

I hear jimin chuckle, I stand up from the couch and stretch my arms. Jimin doesn't look at me. I huff "do you have any clothes I could borrow?", He points to a basket full of clothes, his gaze is still ok the TV.
I roll my eyes and pull out a t-shirt and sweatpants from the basket.

I look at him to see him completely ignoring me now, so childish.
Since he isn't paying attention to me I don't have to go to the bathroom, he's being a dick so I'll get changed and then leave. Im not sitting here all night with him ignoring me and not even looking at me.

I take my shirt off and put the other one on. I bring the top of the shirt to my nose...aha it's jisungs shirt...
I make sure he isn't looking and take off my trousers. I gasp when I feel his gaze on me. I quickly turn around to look at him and his eyes fall back on the TV

I cross my arms "did you just look at me?" He shakes his head "huh? No" I roll my eyes and start to put the sweatpants on when suddenly jimin is in front of me stopping me. I look at him "what are you doing?" He shakes his head "don't put them on...and take that shirt stinks of Han"

He bends down and picks up another shirt, i still have my boxers on so I'm not that embarrassed...
I take the shirt off and hand it back to jimin, jimin looks at me and I hear his breath hitch. He holds the shirt in his hand. I try to take it but he has a death grip on it

I huff "jimin give me the damn shi-" he cuts me off with a deep kiss, my eyes widen.
He pushes me backwards so I'm against the wall, I gasp when his hands grip my ass

His tounge enters my mouth not leaving a single place untouched, I blush more and then hesitate and wrap my arms around his neck.
He pulls away "it is so hard stopping myself from fucking you deep into that couch" I gasp "I...uh..." He smirks "you'd like that wouldn't you?"

I blush more and then push him away "t-the shirt" he hands me his shirt and I put it on. He grabs my thighs and picks me up but moves back to my back is against the wall, I grab his shoulders and gulp "what are you doing?....I thought you were in a bad mood", he nods "I saw your body and I'm no longer in a bad be in an even better mood if-"

"SUP FUCKERS!!!!!!" We both look towards the door where now stood the rest of our friends. Taehyung gasps "THEY WERE ABOUT TO FUCK!!" My eyes widen "n-no!...I just.... jimin-...he uh" jimin Huff's and leans in kissing my neck, I gasp "j-jimin...s-s-stop"

He shakes his head and continues kissing my neck, the others walk in and then Hoseok Huff's "I don't wanna watch poor innocent eyes!" I gasp when jimins lip graze over a certain spot on my neck

I gently hit his back "no...j-jimin don't..."  I look over at everyone "um...a little- Nnnngghhhh!" I grip jimins shoulders and tip my head back a little when he starts to kiss and bite down on a sweet spot.
Namjoon groans "that's gross.. everyone out before the fuck in front of us!!!" Namjoon and Jin push everyone out the house

I blush bright red "n-no g-guys!...Ah!" I hit jimins back "s-s-stop", he pulls away from my neck, I hear the door slam..jimin smiles "no we're alone again, wanna watch a movie?" I stare at him "you're just gonna act like that didn't happen? And what happened to the bad mood?", He nods "I was never actually in a bad mood Kookie, I just wanted to see how you'd react...and yep I am! Wanna watch a movie? Or do you want me to lose control because I don't think I'm able to look at you without fuck-"

"Let's watch a film...maybe-" he cuts me off "the notebook?" I shrug "I've never seen it but sure" he smirks and then sits down on the couch with me on his lap. I huff "let me off...I can't see" he shakes his head and then lays down on the couch and holds me close to him, I sit between his legs with my head on his chest and his arms were around me.

We watch some of the film when I get bored and look down at the ground and I play with jimins shirt. I sit up and straddle him and play with his shirt and giggle a little. He looks at me "what are you doing?" I shrug "this movie....I'm not a big fan of's a good movie...I guess I'm just not in the mood for a movie.... why'd you wanna watch it?" Jimin pauses it and shrugs "no reason"

I shrug and continue playing with his shirt. He Huff's "when can we....y'know?" I look at him and shrug "when the time is right jimin", he pouts "when is the time right?" I tilt my head "how horny are you...Jesus fuck...why are you like this all of a sudden", he sighs "normally when I get angry or stressed I... release all my stress in that way....and plus you're not helping with sitting directly on my problem....and your thighs are on's just hard to resist when I'm around you" I blush and look down "then I uh....I guess you need to release your stress?" He sighs "I don't want to force you into this" I shake my head "I know..."

Should I do it with him??
It's not because we're in love though...he needs to release his stress...and I just happen to be here....
Or is it because he loves me???

I don't would be my first time...I don't know how to act or what to do....
What should I do??????

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