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Jungkooks pov

Today is the day everyone has to do their performance with their partners. Meaning I have to dance with jimin....not fun...

We all walk into the dance studio,I walk next to Felix with my headphones in. I was in a red cropped top and some shorts, I also had some converse on.
I gasp when someone pulls me by my waist backwards, I quickly turn around and giggle "hello jimin"

Jimin smriks "ready for the dance?" I shake my head "no not really but do I have a choice?" He shakes his head "no you don' long as you dont mess up we should be fine" I roll my eyes and push his hands off my waist "are we the last duo?" He nods "the best for last"

I roll my eyes and push him away from me "I'll be with the other students" I walk away and over to Jennie who was smirking,I look at her "what?" She giggles "what were you two speaking about?" I tilt my head "our dance?"

She tilts her head "you were...there was so much sexual tension" I roll my eyes "shut up Jennie" she laughs. Yoongi walks over "hey guys" Jennie blushes "h-hey y-yoongi" I giggle "hey hyung"

We both talk to yoongi until jimin starts the class. We all line up

Felix on the end, then Yoongi and then taehyung and then Jennie, then me and next to me was Jin and then the other students on the end. The teachers were stood behind jimin

Jin looks at me and whispers "have you and jimin done something? He's staring at you" I look at jimin who was Indeed staring at me, I shrug and whisper "not to my knowledge" Jennie giggles

Jimi Huffs "okay! So as you know today is the day you all preform your dances!...first off is Jennie and Lisa" Jennie blushes, I smirk "I thought you liked yoongi not Lisa" she nudges my arm "shut up" I laugh a little

They both dance to sucker by the Jonas brothers, we all clap.
Jennie walks back to me and smiles "Shea so pretty" I smirk "she is??" She nods "yeah.... but I think she's got a boyfriend" I roll my eyes, jennie sits down next to me making me giggle "that tired?" She nods again

Some other students do their performance and we all clap after,
Jin and Namjoon dance together to finesse by Bruno Mars. Yoongi, taehyung and Hoseok all dance together to AgustD by suga, Felix and Han dance to Attention by Charlie puth.

Jimin looks at me "now mine and jungkooks turn... you've all done amazing" I gulp and walk to jimin, I get into position and wait for the music to start ((top video,jk is the girl and JM is the man))

We finish, im led on the floor on my back out of breath, jimin walks to me and helps me up "you were good.." I blush "thanks..." Everyone claps.
I look at jimin and smile "I never realized how sexual that was until we did it fully" he chuckles "so many times where I could've just kissed you"

He leans towards me, I gasp and step back "uh...what are you doing" he smirks "come on Kookie, we all know you love me" he walks towards me, I blush "jimin they're all staring...come to your senses" he shakes his head "not until you say you love me" I gulp when my back hits the wall, he puts his hands either side of my head and looks down at me "so?"

I look around to see everyone smirking and looking at us, i look back at jimin to see him about to say something... these days...I stand on my tip toes and kiss him to shut him up
Now I thought I could escape because I caught him off guard

But I now need to learn to never do this again, jimin wraps his arms around my waist and kisses me deeper, my eyes widen, my hands go to his chest as I try and push him away "j-jimin....ah...j-ji-mmmmmph!"

He grabs my ass and lifts me up, I wrap my legs around his waist and my arms around his neck, he continues kissing me.
This is so embarrassing
My hyungs will never let me live this down....

Finally he pulls away, I blush and try and catch my breath, he smirks "so you do love me?" I shrug "I guess I do....I can't deny it anymore can I?" He shakes his head "definitely not, we're together now so you are mine, you must talk to me everyday and if possible see me everyday, and remember I'm in charge okay?"

My eyes widen "wait hold on....together?" He nods "yes, we are boyfriends now" I gulp "but I uh- mmmmmph!" He cuts me off by kissing me again, it's a short kiss, he pulls away and smirks, he then puts me down and walks to the front of class "now!...."

I slide down the wall..







I jump a little when I hear taehyung yell "JUNGKOOK!" I look up to see my hyungs stood in front of me with Jennie as well, Jennie giggles "had fun Kookie?" I stand up "what the fuck just happened....I have a boyfriend now?" Jin nods "indeed you do, I'm so proud of you! My baby is growing up"

I blush and roll my eyes "oh shush..." Felix Chuckles "you seem shocked kook" I nod "I am...I was just pinned to the wall and kissed by my idol that I didn't realize I loved so much until I'm a little shocked"

Jennie Huffs "at least you're now In a relationship" I giggle "I guess...yeah....I'm sure one day you and Lisa will be together" yoongi gasps "you like Lisa?! You two are perfect for one another! She likes you to!" I smirk "told you Jennie"

Jennie rolls her eyes "shut up, I'm never gonna let you live this down by the way....Kookie kisses jimin in front of everyone" I pout "shut up" they all laugh, we all jump when we hear a growl,I look behind them to see jimin stood with his arms crossed with the rest of the teachers

Namjoon smirks "why are you all standing around?" I shrug "cause I'm a little shocked, how would you act if you got pinned to the wall and kissed in front of the class and your friends by an idol that you've had a crush on for years but didn't notice how big the crush was until he kissed you???"

Hoseok giggles "I'd be thrilled!" I cross my arms, jimin laughs a little and walks to me wrapping his arms around me "awwww is my little bunny embarrassed??" I turn around and hide my face in the crook of his neck "a little yeah" he laughs "cutie" I blush more

I can't believe this...jimin is my boyfriend.... we're together....I don't know how to feel....

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