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One week later

Jimins pov

I sit on the couch with both jungmin and jungkook in my arms, jungkook was asleep and jungmin was sat up on my lap playing with a toy.
Jungmin then looks at jungkook and pouts "e-eomma?"

He tests up and then climbs up to my chest and puts his hand on Jungkooks cheek. I chuckle "eomma is sleeping baby, he's okay" jungmin looks at me "eomma okay?" I nod "eomma is okay" I gently play with Jungkooks hair

Jungmin kisses Jungkooks eye making me laugh a little "very nice baby boy... Your eomma needs all the love in the world okay?" jungmin nods quickly "yeah yeah yeah!!!" he then lays his head on Jungkooks and I smile hearing jungkook giggle a little

Jungkook then lifts jungmin off his head and sits up a little "hey baby boy" jungmin gasps "eomma!!!!" he hugs jungkook tightly. Jungkook hugs him back "I'm okay baby, I was asleep that's all" he looks at me and I smile "he got all worried"

Jungkook sits up straddling my thighs holding jungmin in his arms. I put my hands on his waist "but I told him you're okay and he gave you a kiss" jungkook giggles "yeah I felt that, on my eye... A lot of dribble"

I chuckle and then he looks at jungmin "baby?...why don't we play with your cars?" jungmin gasps and nods "yeah!" jungkook stands up with jungmin. I grab his wrist "jeon jungkook, you are eating something first" I stand up

He sighs "B-but I ate breakfast!" I sigh "baby you're still so thin, please eat" jungmin nods "please!" jungkook nods "okay...." we all walk to the kitchen, jungkook puts jungmin in his high-chair and then sits next to him

I make some food for us all, I glance at jungkook who was fiddling with the charms on a bracelet I bought him "you're worried... What's wrong?" I place the food on the table.

Jungkook sighs "what... What if I can never forgive the others?.... I want to forgive them, B-but what if they just shove me in a hospital again" I sigh "baby...you don't have to forgive them, they did something horrible and they should suffer the consequences"

He looks down "but they're our friends" I scoff "if they were true friends they wouldn't have put you in a hospital for being protective of your own son" I glance at jungmin who was putting food in his mouth

Jungkook nods "I guess so..... Don't your fans miss you?" I nod "of course they do.... But I have explained why I'm taking a break and they have accepted that, my fans understand... And don't worry about all of this...like I've said before, focus on us.. On jungmin"

I hear a knock on the door, jungkook gasps "can I answer it?" I hesitate but then nod "yes... Go on" he walks to the door and I follow him. He opens the door and gasps stepping back "n-no.."

I rush to him and push him behind me gently seeing jin and hoseok stood there. Hoseok holds something out "we brought this for jungkook" jin then holds something else out "and jungmin left this at mine"

Jungkook grips the back of my shirt, I take them "thank you... But you should go" jin glances at jungkook and then nods "of course.... We're sorry, we'll leave.... Goodbye" they turn to walk away

We all gasp when jungkook suddenly grabs Jins wrist "h-hyung?" jin looks at jungkook, with Jungkooks other hand he still holds my shirt tightly, jin gulps "yes?" jungkook let's go of his wrist "I-I will f-forgive you....im trying to I promise! B-but y-you-"

Jin kisses his head cutting him off "take your time bun...what we did was wrong and we're all so so sorry..." hoseok nods "you don't have to forgive us kook...but just know that we all love you and hope you get better soon"

They both wave and walk away. Jungkook fiddles with the charms on the bracelet again and then looks around outside, he shakes his head "I-I don't want to be outside anymore..." he rushes inside and I close the door

He doesn't even let me open the curtains anymore......

Aish...i wish I could see what was truly wrong so I could help him

"eomma!! Eomma!!" I turn around and see jungkook gripping the table tightly with tears streaming down his cheeks, struggling to breath and jungmin trying to get out his high-chair to help and calm him down.

I rush to him and pull him close to me, he grips my shirt tightly and sobs, I gently stroke his hair "shhhh calm down its okay, breath for me" we slowly sink down to our knees and he breathes heavily, I hold him in my arms and he sobs and his grip on my shirt tightens "i-i-i-"

I kiss his head and talk softly and calmly "hey hey calm down....don't speak, it's alright...im here, its all okay I promise... Now deep breaths baby" he relaxes a little in my hold, his breathing normal again. I carefully get jungmin out the high-chair, jungmin immediately hugs jungkook tightly

Jungmin does this every time jungkook cries or has a panic attack, he hugs jungkook and then puts his hands on Jungkooks cheeks and then both of them end up falling asleep together

Jungmin might only be a one year old  but he helps jungkook with so much and is able to Calm jungkook down quickly.

Jungkooks grip on my shirt loosens and he gently grabs jungmins hand, jungmin then sits on the floor next to jungkook and looks up at him "eomma okay" jungkook looks at him. I brush some hair out of his face "calm down... Me and jungmin are here, it's okay"

He looks at me "I-I just...i-i-" I shake my head "no no baby its okay....you don't need to explain" I wipe his tears and jungmin then climbs onto my lap and hugs jungkook again "eomma sad" jungkook wraps his arms around jungmin. I then stand up and gently pick them both up

I lay on the couch with them on my chest again, jungkook lays on my chest with jungmin in his arms, jungmin puts his hands on Jungkooks cheeks and smiles widely "love eomma!!"
Jungkook smiles a little "I love you too baby.... T-thank you" I hold them both close to me
I kiss Jungkooks head

I wish I could see what's going on in his mind....
Just so I can help him...

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