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Jungkooks pov

I pout sitting in the corner of the room on a bunch of cushions.
Jimin isn't letting me dance because he doesn't know if it's good for the baby.
He then said I can't just sit on the floor because the floor is hard and i might be uncomfortable so he made Han go to the store and buy cushions for me....

It's ridiculous.
I hear jimin huff "I need one more person!" I raise my eyebrow and clear my throat "ahem!!" He looks at me and Huff's "fine....just one dance and then you'll sit there....okay?" I nod.

I stand up and walk to him "who's dancing?", He looks at me "me,you,Jin,Tae, namjoon, yoongi and Hoseok" I smile "yes!"
We all get Into position while the other members of the class sit watching us. Han then starts the music and we start to dance

Once we finish, I giggle and look at Jin "you're so good now!!" He chuckles "thanks Kookie....I've worked hard" I nod "and it's payed off.... you're such an amazing dancer...same with you yoongi!!", Yoongi Huff's and lays on the ground.

Jimin grabs my hand "alright baby....go and sit down now" I look at him and pout "but jimin" he shakes his head "no baby I let you dance now go and sit down and rest...." I huff and then go back to the pile of cushions and sit down.

Jennie walks over to me and sits next to me "hey Kookie" I look at her "hey Jennie...you alright?" She nods "yeah just tired...I wish I could sit out like you" I giggle "just say you're pregnant"
Jimin turns to us "Jennie what are you doing sitting around?!"

Jennie giggles "I'm pregnant sir!" Jimin shrugs "I don't care! Up you get! Go with Lisa and dance!" Jennie Huff's "jeez...fucking favouritism" I giggle and she stands up. I wave to Jennie as she walks back to Lisa.

Jimin walks to me and kisses my head "you okay?", I giggle and nod "yes jimin, I'm fine you don't need to ask me every 20 minutes" he sighs "sorry I'm just worried....and slightly overprotective"

I kiss his cheek "I'll be okay....can I dance now?" He shakes his head "no definitely not....I'm not risking that" I huff "but I'm booooooooooored" he rolls his eyes "you sound like a little kid...."

I huff again and lay back on the floor and groan "I'm gonna die from being so bored!!! Help me!!"
Jimin stands up "you're being so dramatic" i nod and stick my tounge out "go and dance....I'll stay here....dying alone"

Jimin sighs "I'll be back when class is over okay?" I nod "be gone! Let me die alone in peace!" He rolls his eyes "you're such a drama queen" he walks away.

I gasp when wonho (another person in the class) suddenly sits next to me with his face seriously close to mine. I blush a little "uh..." He chuckles "hi im-"
I gasp again when suddenly someone kicks him in the face. He falls backwards.

I sit up to see jimin with his arms crossed, he smirks "whoops, I was practicing my new dance routine and my foot accidentally hit your face...stay away from my boyfriend wonho..."

Wonho groans "dude seriously!I was trying to make a new friend!" I nod "but you were REALLY close to my face....", Wonho groans and sits up again "I'm sorry....can I have an apology for you kicking me in the face?" He looks at jimin.

Jimin shakes his head "think of the fact that you DONT have a broken nose as an apology....I could have easily broken your nose but didn't...." Wonho tilts his head "how the fuck is that an apology?"

Jimin raises an eyebrow "I'm sorry you're so desperate?"
I giggle a little and stand up, wonho stands up as well and Huff's "I want a proper apology"
Jimin nods "and I want a dragon...neither of us are getting what we want"

I look away and laugh quietly. Yoongi walks over "what's so funny?", I walk to yoongi and hug him and laugh. Jimin chuckles.

Wonho crosses his arms "Im waiting for an apology park jimin" jimin nods "and I'm waiting for my child to be born....I've gotta wait... So what's your point?...I ain't going around whining about how I have to wait for them to be born"

Yoongi laughs a little.
I take a deep breath and step back looking at wonho "look....you aren't gonna win this argument....just leave us alone" wonho shakes his head "I'll get him done by the police for assault!"
Jimin nods "uh hu....your proof exactly?",

Wonho points to his nose.i tilt my head "there nothing to be seen that could be used as evidence...."
Jimin smirks "I know how to hurt someone without leaving marks....now leave my dance studio please"

Wonho scoffs "fine! Fuck the both of you!"
Jimin fake gags "ewww no thanks....I didn't want some rat touching me, you probably have some kind of disease."

I giggle "jimin....you litterally kicked him in the face" jimin gasps "now I need new shoes...these are diseased...gross...GRAB THE BLEACH! I NEED TO BATHE IN BLEACH!!" he takes his shoes off and chucks them at wonho "there you go....a gift for you!, You're welcome! Now bye bye bitch!",

Wonho scoffs and walks out the studio.
Jimin smiles like nothing happened "anyone got any shoes?"
I burst out laughing and grip my stomach.
Yoongi laughs as well.

I gasp and laugh more "oh my fucking god jimin you are a fucking legend!" Jimin smirks "don't go near what's mine...simple"
I laugh more and sit back down on the cushions laughing.

Yoongi crouches down still laughing "jeez and I thought I was savage"
I start to tear up from where I'm laughing so much "omg...that was amazing"
Jimin kisses my head "you're mine remember?" I nod "yes jimin....I know...now hurry up and let the class finish before I piss myself from laughter" he chuckles and nods "alright",

Well I mean....everyone who saw what happened will know never to touch me again or even go near me...
God I'm so in love with park jimin....

God I'm so in love with park jimin

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