mood swings

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One year later

Jungkooks pov

It's been a year now since I've been with jimin, a few months ago we had sex for the first time...and since then I haven't felt like myself and I'm not sure why....but me and Jimin are still a happy couple....I think


"WHAT DO YOU MEAN IM THE PROBLEM?!" I push jimin away from me, he glares at me "you aren't holding Jennie up! Causing everyone to fall!!" I scoff "no it's Jennie who needs to jump!!! Don't fucking blame this on me jimin!!"

He crosses his arms "EVERYONE OUT!" I start to walk out but he pulls me back "not you" I gulp a little. Everyone else walks out and closes the door. I gasp when he pins me to the wall "apologize"
I shake my head "stop pinning the blame on me and I won't yell at you!"

He growls "you need to cooperate more with the rest of us! Why has your mood suddenly changed!?"
I push him away "it hasn't! I haven't changed at all! It's you being an asshole!!"
Jimin tilts his head "you've been like this ever since we had sex.....wait....did you not want to?"

I shake my head "no it's not's just.... actually it's nothing don't worry....I wanted to have sex with you which is why I did it with you! I've just felt off for awhile now....and I don't know why" tears roll down my face making him gasp "whoa baby what's wrong?!"

I look at him "i-i don't know...." He chuckles and wipes my tears "maybe we shouldn't do anything else until you calm down" I nod and then wrap my arms around his neck, he picks me up by my thighs.

I wrap my legs around his waist and lean my head on his shoulder "I feel sick jimin...." He tilts his head "you do? Should I take you home?" I shake my head "I dont wanna leave your side..." He  kisses my cheek "a few seconds ago you were yelling at me and now you don't wanna leave my side? What's up with your mood swings baby?"

I shrug and hug him tighter "don't leave me..." He kisses my head "I'm not gonna leave you baby...I just wanna know what's up with your mood swings"
I shrug "I don't know jimin! Ever since a couple months ago....I'm not sure why but I haven't felt like myself"

He Huff's "maybe I should take you to the doctor" I shake my head "I'm sure I'll snap out of it soon...maybe cause it's since I'm eating too much" he puts me down "I haven't seen you eating much....but you have got a belly on you", I gently slap him "that's mean"

He laughs "I'm sorry but you have....I'm taking you to the doctors alright?" I huff "fine" he kisses my head and grabs my hand and pulls me out the room, he looks at Namjoon "can you teach them what you and Jin have been doing?" He nods "sure, where are you two going?" I giggle "jimin is taking me to the doctor cause he's worried about me"

Namjoon chuckles "alright" jimin pulls me out the building and pushes me into his car and puts my seatbelt on, I giggle "I can do this myself you know" he nods "I know" he gets into the drivers side and starts to drive to the doctors

There really isn't anything wrong with me I don't think....maybe I'm just still shocked about losing my virginity....I'm sure it's nothing....jimin shouldn't be worrying so much

((A/N:sorry this is a short chapter I'm not having many ideas for this FF))

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