welcome to dance class

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Jungkooks pov

I follow Namjoon to where the group of people are, Namjoon looks back at me "stay right here a second" I nod "okay" he smiles and walks over to hoseok and jisung and whispers something to them and then they gasp and nod

I look around...this place is like my dream place to dance at...it's beautiful...I jump when a hand is placed on my shoulder, I look up to see namjoon, he chuckles "sorry I made you jump" I smile "it's fine..." He nods "anyway, I'd like you to meet jisung and hoseok" he steps to the side

My eyes widen when behind him stands Han jisung and Jung Hoseok, I bow towards them "you guys are my idols, you guys are so amazing!" They smile, I stand up straight, jisung chuckles "call me Han by the way" hoseok nods "you can call me j-hope or hobi, I don't mind....so have you come here to dance??"

I shake my head "no...I'm just here with my friends...Jin,Felix,Yoongi and taehyung" hoseok nods again "can you dance though?" I shrug "kinda...I dance a little when I'm not at work or doing school work..." Han tilts his head "how old are you?" I look at him "I'm 18"

Namjoon gasps "awwwww you're a little baby!" I hear Jin huff "he's my baby so back up!!" I blush a little because all eyes are now on me, hoseok puts his hands up in defence "calm down jin-hyung we're not gonna take him from you...in surprised jimin actually let you come..."

Namjoon gulps "uh about that..." My eyes widen "he doesn't know? My hyungs say he's really strict...and scary" Han rolls his eyes "I'm sure it'll be fi-"
I jump and squeak in the process, Namjoon smirks "that was super cute....don't worry it's only jimin"

I gulp and look at the door to see none other than park jimin, the best dancer in the whole world walking in wearing some sweatpants and a tank top with some converse on, I hide behind Namjoon....be looks so intimidating

A girl smirks and points to me "jimin there's a girl in here!!" Jimin looks at namjoon "step aside" Namjoon sighs and steps to the side, I cross my arms and look at the girl "I'm a boy.." she sticks her tongue out, I roll my eyes and look back at jimin who was now right in front of me staring down at me

I gulp...I'm dead... "What are you doing here little one?" I look away "I'm here with my friends..." He nods "and who would they be?hmmm are they imaginary friends so you can spy for another dance class?!" I shake my head "n-no...m-my friend's are j-jin, Felix, taehyung,and yoongi.."

Jimin steps back and chuckles "aha I see...you must be the jungkook they always talk about while in lessons" I look at my friends who nod, I nod "that's me...I'm jeon jungkook"

Jimin starts to walk around me, looking me up and down, he smirks "so...you here to dance? I hear that there is nothing you can't do?.....I think I hear yoongi call you the Golden maknae?" I glare at my friends who were trying not to laugh

I shake my head "no that's just a joke between us all...for example I'm REALLY bad at dancing" taehyung scoffs "sorry to interrupt but you are a god when it comes to dancing....when you were younger all you used to do was dance...you always dance around the house...and it's amazing....I wish I could dance like you" I blush

Jimin smirks "you lied to me?" I gulp and look down "n-no it's not that I lied...just because one person said that I'm good doesn't automatically mean I'm actually good...." Jimin nods and then stands in front of me "then dance with one of your friends and show me that you 'cant dance'.....and actually try"

I go to refuse but Felix intturrupts and nods "I'll dance with you kook! We can do our dance that we've been practicing for ages!" I look at jimin who was smirking with his arms crossed, I sigh and nod "okay...are you sure Felix? There's loads of lifting me up." Felix nods and walks to me and whispers "just give it all you've got... you're amazing remember that" I take a deep breath

Jin walks to the speakers and connects his phone and starts playing the song,I gulp and we start to dance
(Top video
Jungkook is the girl
Felix is the boy)

At the end I'm sat on the floor, I look up a little out of breath, my hair a mess, Felix runs to me and hugs me "you did it! That was amazing!" Everyone claps, I stand up and look at jimin who was still smirking "so much for 'i can't dance'...I expect you to come to this dance class...no excuses"

My eyes widen "wait....really??" He nods "yes....you have talent...I don't think you need to 'catch up' since youre great already so you can continue with what the class is doing..someone want to explain to her?" I huff "I'm a boy..." He shrugs "whatever"

The girl from before puts her hand up, jimin nods "Jennie" she stands up from her seat on the floor "doesn't she need to go through all the training...she wasn't that good...you forgot your glasses today so maybe you should put her with the juniors so she can work her way up like we all had too.." I cross my arms "how many times do I need to say it....I'm a boy!!"

Jimin crosses his arms "so you're doubting my decisions are you Jennie?" She shakes her head "no it's just, it's not fair that the rest of us had to build our way up...7 years of training...and she just appears one day and is automatically joined in"

I nod "that does seem fair" I wince when taehyung hits my arm, jimin rolls his eyes "this girl has talent...she knows many of the things I have taught you all as well....she is able to be lifted up, flipped around, chucked up in the air a little and not panic....now if I remember correctly when we did that...you had a hissy fit and wouldn't do it because you were scared...so leave the poor girl alone and keep eyes on what you're doing"

Jennie nods and glares at me and then sits down, jimin turns back to me and Huffs "alright lets get this straight, since the rest of the class are working on a big project you will work with me...understand?....don't even bother trying to protest....training for you will be everyday until it's finished and done, 3pm sharp"

I gulp "but my job ends at 3pm.." jimin smirks "change shifts then.....or run.." I nod "yes jimin-hyung..." I walk over to my group of friends and huff "you guys didn't tell me how bossy he was" yoongi nods "yes we did...." Jin hugs me "in so proud of you kook! Welcome to the dance class!" I huff and roll my eyes "yeah....thanks"

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