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A few months later

Jimins pov

I laugh a little watching jungkook playing a game with my mother. He has a big smile on his face.

I walk to the door when I hear a knock. I open it and see momo, Jungkooks therapist "good morning noona" she smiles "good morning jimin..." i hear jungkook laughing.

She smiles wider "he's getting better" I nod "he's smiling a lot now, he hasn't had a panic attack in about two months now" she giggles "that's amazing, well I won't inturrupt your fun, here is the report I have from this month" I take the paper she holds out and smile "thank you"

She nods and then waves "see you next week jimin" I nod and then she walks away. I close the door and then look at the report and see loads of positive things that jungkook has said to her. It says about the things they spoke about and questions she asked him and his responses

Jungkook walks to me "is that the report? Am I getting better?" I look at him "well do you feel better?" he giggles and nods "yep! I couldn't be happier!!" he wraps his arms around my neck

I place the report down and wrap my arms around his waist "well then you are getting seem a lot happier too" I see jungmin toddling over to us "appa!! Up! Up! Up!"
I look at him "let me cuddle eomma and then I'll cuddle you, take turns"

My mother picks jungmin up making him laugh a little. My mother looks at me and smirks "I'm gonna take jungmin to the park for a little" we both nod and she then walks out the house after nudging my arm

I sigh "I have something to ask you baby"
I look at jungkook and he nods "what's up?" I pull him to the bedroom and then stand in front of him and take a deep breath "over these few months that we've been away and you've been recovering I've wanted to ask you this.."

He tilts his head and then gasps when I get down onto one knee in front of him "you are the one I want to spend my whole life will you marry me?" I hold up a ring to him and my eyes widen seeing tears rolling down his cheeks.

He giggles a little and nods "of course I will..." i slide the ring onto his finger and then stand up kissing him deeply. He kisses back wrapping his arms around my neck, I slowly pull away "I love you so so much baby" he giggles "I love you too, thank you for not leaving me"

I pull him closer to me "I would never leave you, I have never and I will never leave you... We are together forever, me, you and jungmin" he smiles and then kisses me again. I chuckle a little and kiss him back

He's getting better...
And I can't wait to get married..

Dance teacher (jikook)Where stories live. Discover now