first time at the class

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3rd person

"Jungkook you're talent is going to waste... sign up for the class!" Taehyung begs his heat friend to join his class, the younger shakes his head "no Tae...only the best get into that let me work now" Taehyung Huffs "can you at least come at watch us?" Jungkook groans and looks at his friend "am I even aloud to??"

Suddenly the eldest friend appears scaring the younger to "yep! Jungkook you can come, I asked Namjoon who asked jimin and jimin said 'sure whatever as long as he doesn't get in my way' so you're allowed!" Jungkook rolls his eyes "jin-hyung...I don't want to.."

Jin sighs "fine...can we go and get dinner as a friend group tonight tho? To celebrate our friendship?" Taehyung goes to say something but stops when Jin glares at him, jungkook shrugs "if I'm not paying sure" Jin Huffs "I'll pay....and good! We'll leave in an hour!" Jungkook rolls his eyes and continues doing online work
(Jungkook dropped out of school since he was getting bullied so is doing online classes- he also has a job at a small café just down the road)

Taehyung walks away with Jin and chuckles "you forcing the poor boy to go?" Jin nods "of course I am...I'm being a good hyung...I'm fed up of his talent going to waste...and plus even yoongi goes to this class! Meaning we can get jungkook too as well!" Taehyung nods "cleaver plan"

Taehyung and Jin go and tell all their other friends their plan


The time comes, jungkook walks into the lounge wearing(top photo without the bag) "Felix told me to wear this?" Yoongi nods "yeah we're only going to a small restaurant" jungkook nods "okay.."

Jungkooks pov

What are my friends planning,we all get into jins car, I sit in the middle row between taehyung and Felix, and Jin and yoongi sit in the front, I lean my head on Felix's arm and huff "where are we going hyungs?"
(AN:btw I've made everyone older & taller than jungkook cause it fits better)

Jin sighs "we're going somewhere" i roll my eyes "wow so helpful," I look at each one of my friends and then tilt my head "aren't you guys in your dance clothes??" Taehyung nods "they're comfortable" I nod "aha I see"

Felix chuckles, I huff and start to play on my phone, I put my earphones in and listen to some music. Jin stops the car "taehyung,Felix don't let him get away" I tilt my head, we all climb out

My eyes widen "why are we at your dance class!?" I try to run away but am stopped by Felix and taehyung,I huff "let me go!!" Taehyung picks me up and holds me on his shoulder,I hit his back making him wince a little "stop hitting me with your baby hands" I huff and give up trying to get away

Taehyung chuckles, yoongi raises an eyebrow "you gonna try get away?" I shake my head "no..." Taehyung puts me down and as soon as my feet hit the ground I start to run away, my friends chasing after me, they stop running and Jin yells "NAMJOON GRAB THAT BOY!!!"

I tilt my head but then gasp as I'm picked up and thrown over someone's shoulder exactly like taehyung was carrying me, I whine "let me go you stranger!! Put me down!!!!" I hit their back, they walk towards my friends and chuckles "I assume this is jungkook?"

Felix chuckles "yep that's him, would you mind carrying him inside for us?" I growl "who is this person?!!" Taehyung laughs "oh yeah, kook meet Namjoon" I nod "aha that makes it so much better, PUT ME DOWN!!" I hit his back, Namjoon winces "'ve got one strong punch"

I give up after a few minutes and let him carry me, my friends grab their dance bags and Jin takes namjoons one so Namjoon can carry me better, I huff "I hate you all" yoongi chuckles "we love you too kook" I cross my arms

They all walk inside the building,I'm put down when we walk inside, I keep my arms crossed and look at jin "I am never going to trust you again" Jin shrugs "we all know that's a lie" I huff and look away, Namjoon chuckles "you didn't lie when you said be was small..."

I growl and look up at him "I am NOT small!!" He raises his hands up a little "okay okay I'm sorry" Jin smacks the back of my head "oi be nice, now we are going into the class and you are to listen and learn okay?" I shake my head "I'm sitting and waiting for you guys to finish...I didn't agree to come here....I can't dance at all"

Felix scoffs "you can dance better than all of us put together...maybe even level with park jimin" I shake my head "no...I am worse than jin-hyung and that is saying something" Jin Huffs "shut up....but Felix is right kook there is nothing you can't do" I roll my eyes "just get to your dance class so we can go..."

I walk in with the group and gulp when I see a group of people stood in the middle of the dance studio with some more professional dancers, omg it's Jung hoseok! And Han jisung! .....wait

Omg!! I can't believe it was THE Kim Namjoon who picked me up!! Omg I must look so stupid...I look at Felix who laughs "I knew this would be your fanboy" I smile wide "they are my idols!" I bow to Namjoon "I'm very sorry for the way I acted before..." He smiles "don't worry about it, it made my day, so cute...I'm sure jimin will like you"

My eyes widen "wait the park jimin teaches here??" Taehyung nods "yep! We've told you this before...about how strict he is?" I nod "I guess I just don't listen to you guys.." they all roll their eyes

Namjoon smirks "wanna meet the other professional dancers?" I nod "yes please!" He nods "follow me"

Wow I get to meet my idols!! I'm so happy!!

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