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Jimins pov

I hear a knock on the door and I gently lay jungkook down next to me on the couch and stand up holding jungmin. I open the door and see all the others stood there. I smile "take care of him and don't let anything happen to him"

I gesture for some guards to go with them and the guards nod. Jin takes jungmin gently and I grab some of his milk and diapers and Everything they'll need and hand it to taehyung "please don't let anything happen to him...jungkook is too stressed as it is"

Felix smiles "nothing will happen to him jimin...all of us will watch him...just make sure Jungkook him relax" I nod and then kiss jungmins head "see you later babyboy..." I look at Jin "I'll have to ring every hour for jungkook alright? And I'll message when you can come back"

They all nod and wave goodbye. I close the door and walk back to the couch and jungkook is still asleep. I kiss his head and then walk to the bathroom running a bath for him, I get some of his favourite snacks from the kitchen.

I grab some of his soft and comfy shorts and one of my hoodies. I make sure I leave the first aid kit out so I can re bandage his hands after the bath. I make sure everything is ready and I then get an idea

I grab some rose petals and then place some in the bath and then some on the floor. I gather a few more things and lay it all out in the bathroom and then look around at the bathroom thinking about if anything is missing

 I gather a few more things and lay it all out in the bathroom and then look around at the bathroom thinking about if anything is missing

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I shake my head and then walk to the lounge where I see jungkook sat up rubbing his eyes. I walk to him "that was a short nap baby" he looks at me "is-is jungmin okay?" I nod "he's perfectly fine. All the others are looking after him... we'll call them in an hour to check up, but for now...let me treat you like a queen"

He looks at me confused. I smile and then grab his hand gently pulling him to the bathroom. I open the door and he gasps "jimin...." I kiss his cheek "I'll leave so you can get in and then I'll come back in and I'll wash your hair and give you massage alright?"

He grabs my hand "w-wait! C-can you come in with me? I-i want to be in your arms...i-i feel safe there" he blushes. I nod "of course baby...."
I help him out of his clothes and take the bandages off and then gently hold his hand while he climbs into the bath.

He smiles a little scooping some of the petals into his hand and then winces putting them back into the water. I undress and then climb into the bath sitting behind him. I gently take his hands in mine and kiss his wounds gently "be careful baby"

He leans back against my chest and I then wrap my arms around him and kiss his cheek "you're such a good mother to jungmin...he's so lucky to have you" he looks at me "you think so?" I shake my head "I know so..."

I gently move so he's sat up more and I start to wash his hair. He goes to touch his hair but I stop him "baby the shampoo will hurt your hands...I'll do it" he moves his hands back to his lap wincing a little when the water covers the wounds.

I continue to wash his hair and then i wash his body, he leans back against my chest and I intertwine our hands "do you feel alright now baby?" He nods "yeah...thank you...i-im sorry for being so dramatic" I sigh "you weren't being dramatic baby, you were being protective and you were scared. Never apologize were being a good mum"

He turns around to face me and then straddles my legs, he wraps his arms around my neck and I see tears in his eyes "what's wrong baby?", He sniffles "I just...don't want jungmin to get hurt...and Im scared, what if your ex comes back? W-what if he does something when we let our guards down...."

I brush some hair out of his face "he will never hurt jungmin...or you" I kiss his nose "even if it means giving up Everything I've ever worked for, my life is dedicated to keeping you and jungmin safe and Loving you until my dying breath...and if one day, I had to chose between living and loving you? I'd use my last breath to say I love you"

His eyes widen and he then kisses me deeply and I kiss back pulling him closer to me

I hope he believes my words...he and jungmin mean everything to me and I will do anything to protect them

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