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A few days later


Me and Jimin walk to the dance studio. I was holding jungmin in my arms and I gasp seeing loads of jimins fans stood outside the studio cheering loudly. I hug jimins arm and hide jungmin from the fans and he chuckles "they've seen us together before baby why do shy?"

I sigh "I'm just not use to being around this many people...and jungmin might not like the loud noises...and people are taking your photos" I step away from jimin and gasp when a huge camera us shoved towards me "JEON JUNGKOOK CAN WE HAVE A QUICK WORD!!"

More cameras are pushed towards me. I look around and can't see jimin "j-j-j-jimin?" I hug jungmin and hide jungmins face from the cameras and I start to breath heavily "p-please m-move"

I whimper a little and look up when I hear jimins voice yell "OUT THE WAY! DO NONE OF YOU HAVE ANY RESPECT!!" People all step away from me and I run to jimin still hiding jungmin close to me so they can't see his face. Jimin wraps his arms around me and I hide my face in his chest calming down.

He Huff's "you might be my fans but this is NO way to treat my family!....from now on you do not take photos of my family UNLESS they give you permission! Do you understand me?!" I look up to see his fans and camera men nodding.

Jin rushes over to us "want me to take jungmin?" I nod and then pass jungmin to him and he holds jungmin close so they can't see his face and then rushes inside. Jimin grabs my hand and I follow him and he signs a few things and waves to people.

I let go of his hand when he takes a photo with a group of people. I see a young boy who is trying to get jimin to notice him. After jimin takes the photo I grab his hand and pull him to the young boy "he wants a photo"

The young boy smiles and jimin crouches down "hey...." The boy hugs jimin "you're my idol! You made me never give up!" Jimin smiles and hugs back "I'm glad I could help you.... you're very strong" the boy sighs "can I ask a question?" Jimin nods "of course"

The boy lifts up his pants leg and my eyes widen seeing a prosthetic leg "d-does this make me weird and ugly?" Jimin shakes his head "definitely not! You are unique and very handsome" I hesitate but crouch down next to Jimin and then look at the boy "I know I'm not your idol or anyone important....but please remember that you might not be as pretty as her or as handsome as him...but you don't have to be as pretty as beautiful like you"

He tilts his head "I'm beautiful?" I nod "of course you are....everyone is" I hear a girl ask "even the haters?" I stand up and so does jimin after taking a photo with the boy "of course they are....their opinions are just a bit harsh...that doesn't mean that they're weird or ugly.... everyone's beautiful in their own way"

Jimin wraps his arm around me and kisses my cheek "that's very true baby" his fans scream Making me blush a little.
Jimins manager walks to us "jimin your class is all inside" jimin waves to his fans and then we walk inside.

Jungmin is led in a crib that jimin brought so jungmin can come to the class and so I'm not stuck at home.
I stand next to Jennie and Lisa who smile and hug me "we're so happy your back in class!" I giggle "I'm happy to be back....being at home sucks...all I've wanted to do was dance!"

Jimin Huff's "but if you're not careful while dancing then I will make you sit have to remember it was only a few months ago that you had our son" I nod "I know don't have to be so protective" he rolls his eyes and begins teaching the class.

We all then start to dance and I giggle watching jimin glare at yoongi for getting the steps wrong. Yoongi laughs "don't look at me like that! Not everyone is a professional like you" jimin laughs "sorry hyung!"

I walk to jungmin who started to cry and I pick him up. I turn around and gasp seeing jimin stood there. I laugh a little and hand jungmin to him and he stops crying immediately. Jimin smiles "my handsome prince"

He kisses jungmins cheek loads making jungmin giggle and me smile. Jimin looks at me "you okay princess?" I nod "I'm fine....I just love seeing you with's cute to watch" he Chuckles and then hugs me tightly and I hug back.

I laugh when hoseok sighs and then Huff's "I guess I'll teach the rest of the lesson" Han nods "don't be moody Hobi they're a family...they're obviously gonna act like this" jimin Huff's and kisses jungmins head "I'm gonna beat your uncles up in a minute if they don't shut up"
I giggle 

Life really is amazing now.....I just hope it stays this way!

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